This evening was NOT fun! I finished dinner; just finished my bath; was in my bedroom. Mommy and daddy asked me to pick out books but I had a coughing fit while doing so. Instead of sitting still I kept moving around coughing harder and starting to gag a bit. Mommy told me to sit on her lap. Like a good boy, I (finally) listened and sat still on her lap. Then…. well…. let’s just say that while my head didn’t turn completely around I discovered I do like turning it back and forth and back and forth while mimicking the “pea soup” scene from the Exorcist.
After I stopped (and mommy was covered) I got another bath while daddy did “quick cleanup” with several wet towels. I kept telling mommy I was sorry for what I did. Mommy and daddy kept telling me there was no reason to be sorry – sickness happens. Tomorrow mommy (and/or daddy) will have to spray the carpet with something. Maybe the cat “oops” stuff. They don’t want to do it before I go to bed (in case the smell of that makes me feel worse), but if they don’t do it tomorrow then my room will have a funky (nasty!) dairy odor.
Well, I hope I sleep well tonight. Mommy and daddy won’t sleep well because every time they hear me cough they’ll shoot out of bed to check on me.
I know I shouldn’t….
But I’m not sure I can resist…..
This might just be a fun night of torment the ‘rents! 🙂 What do all my peeps think?
Should I torment or be nice? Oh, who am I kidding…. I’m a Gemini. I’ll do both. Torment and then say “sorry” when they check on me. (Repeating that pattern ALL night long!) I’m sooo bad, but sooo good too 🙂 Gotta love us Geminis!!!!
Night all! (‘cept mommy and daddy… see you lots tonight!)