Campobello Island, New Brunswick

We left St. Andrews and reentered the US in Maine and drove south a bit to reenter Canada via a bridge to Campobello Island. There is normally ferry service but not for large vehicles and not this early in the season. Today was opening day for all the island. We visited the Roosevelt Cottage and learned about their summers and life in the Roosevelt family.

This megaphone was used to call the kids when they were out playing.

The children had a teacher when they were on the island.

We got a kick out of the servant call station. There was no electricity in the house. This was however batter operated.

We explored all over the island. We heard that you could walk out to this lighthouse. But there was a lot of water in the way. We asked around and found out what time we should return to gain access.

The campground was EMPTY!

We had an early dinner and then headed back to the lighthouse. We could see an exposed crossing area and hustled down the stairs and across the slippery rocks.

We found out we had to go up another set of stairs and then down one more. The down was dangerous as it was rickety. Dad held the bottom as we climbed. There were some other people out along with us so we knew someone could go for help if needed.

Finally across and at the lighthouse. We were told it doesn’t open until later in the summer and it was an at your own risk adventure!

We hiked a lot and explored the campground. Mom found this sign in the kitchen shelter.

On Mom’s birthday we had Tea with Eleanor Roosevelt! Not really her obviously! We learned all about Eleanor and what an amazing woman she was. I enjoyed the ginger cookies and tea!

We found some wonderful boardwalk trails through a bog and added to our knowledge of bog life plants and animals. Happy 42nd birthday Mom!

There were a lot of unpaved roads around he island. We explored many of them. One took us to an amazing view! The vistas are quite surreal!

Another shot of the empty campground at Herring Cove Provincial Park.

The last night E was tuckered but the rest of us wanted to hike. Dad and I went off on a very long hike. He let me lead but didn’t correct a mistake and we ended up adding a few extra miles. It paid off though. I got to climb on this epic boulder!

Mom and E took a shorted hike and explored the beaches.

St. Andrews, New Brunswick

This has to be one of our favorite destinations so far in our travels. This is the second year we have come to the little town on the water. It is so laid back, great food, lots to do and the people are so kind.

We immediately stocked up on Kinder Eggs and set to eating them (you can’t bring them back to the US).

Then we hit the low tide area. We played for hours out on the rocks and the tide pools.

The first full day we packed in a lot of touristing. We visited Wild Salmon Nature Center and learned about how they are trying to preserve wild Atlantic Salmon.

The trails at the center are beautiful. The weather was dry but brisk still.

I could have spent hours here looking out at the water.

Up next was the Gonong Chocolate Factory tour. We enjoyed watching people hand dip chocolate. E and I raced at packing chocolates.

There were all you can eat samples in the museum. I stuffed my face!

After lunch we visited the Huntsman Aquarium. I love the tide pool touch tank. The water is ice cold but they have some really interesting animals in the pool.

We left Grandma and Grandpa downtown with their car and we walked home. Mom wanted to see the lighthouse and then I wanted to walk the beach path back to the campground.

We played outside on the rocks at our “paint making factory” smashing shells, flowers and rocks. We had 6 different colors of “paint”.

Such teamwork!

The last day we opted to drive across the ocean floor to Ministers Island. At low tide there is a gravel bridge that appears. We waited for the guide and then headed across.

Mom was nervous and didn’t want to sink Baymax!

We toured the historic residence and learned a lot about the history of the island.

I was more impressed with the GIANT billiards table and the tale of the pool shark butler.

The Van Horne Family even had a pool hours and carved a pool out of the rocks! It has since been filled in.

This is the old pool.

We grabbed some fresh seafood on the way home.

Our final day was laundry and the farmers market. I got some school work done while the laundry ran. It was raining outside so we weren’t missing anything anyway.

The campground was still empty since it was early in the season. We had two very nice spaces.

Here are some of the critters E and I found on our many beach excursions.

We said goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa as they headed towards Nova Scotia and we headed back through Maine to Campobello Island. After the fun I was EXHAUSTED. I slept most of the morning away on our next drive.




Red Apple Campground in Arundle, Maine (Kennebunk area)

We arrived in Maine and settled in to Red Apple Campground. We had sites next to each other in a quiet, peaceful part of the campground.

When in Maine, you eat LOBSTA! LOBSTA should be delivered in a classic red truck! I was super excited of this yummy goodness.

Dinning in. We got a few too many 2 lb lobsters. We all had a great time eating them though!

Boy Grandma and Grandpa must have been HUNGRY! hehe

We went separate directions a few times in Kennebunk. We opted for a day of hiking at Mt. Agamenticus. The trail was beautiful but the bugs were a bit annoying. As long as we kept moving we were fine.

There were some awesome tent caterpillars!

We loved the rock side of the trail and enjoyed the scrambling nature of the trail.

The lookout tower was epic. We could see for miles!

Afterwards we went to Palace Playland to walk around. The carnival didn’t open for another 2 weeks but we had fried dough with powdered sugar and enjoyed a walk around the area.

The rain came in along with some really cold weather. We spent a lot of the evenings playing games in the camp rec hall.

Free air hockey was our favorite along with fooseball.

We even got Grandma Jo to play!

We had lobster nightly at the campsite but the last night was gross and rainy. We had our lobster at the rec hall and invited a couple that Grandma and Grandpa met. The campground owners set up table clothes and flatware and buckets for scraps. It was above and beyond! It was so amazing and homey. After our lobster the owners of the campground even offered us some pastries they had in the fridge.


Goos thing we are moving along tomorrow. I don’t know if I can eat more lobster. Oh wait, yes I can!



Washington, D.C.

It was nice to arrive in DC to some cooler weather. We helped Grandma and Grandpa get to Ford’s Theater and then we went off and explored until it was time to pick them up. We visited the Archives and saw the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights.

Once we picked up Grandpa Howie and Grandma Jo we visited the Natural History Museum. I loved the butterfly garden and the Orkin insect area.

The butterflies liked Grandpa’s head!

The next day we hit the National Zoo! It was a LOT of walking! We spent the entire day at the zoo and had a lot of fun seeing the animals.

Last visit I had to take a photo with all the statues, same this visit!

Up next was an early morning start at the US Botanical Gardens with a photo op at the US Capitol.

We had a quick lunch at the Native American Museum. Grandma and Grandpa went to explore the museum while we went tot he kids are to explore. We have been here several times and wanted to play with the giant igloo since there were no school kids around!

After lunch we walked to the Ford’s Theater for a show called Ragtime. It was an emotional story and we all enjoyed it very much!

Since Dad had to work so late E and I were tasked with making dinner. I learned to make chicken strips. They were parmesan and panko breaded.

E cut up and mashed strawberries for dessert.

The next day we started at the Air and Space Museum. Finally the place to do Spock Hand!

We love the area on principles of flight.

We even got to be in a show about the ISS.

We took the Metro up to the White house. There weren’t many protestors out other than the group that has been there for 20+ years.

We were more interested in the cicada holes all over the place. We were on the HUNT!

We found one at the Metro station. But Mom and Dad had us get up early in the morning and head outside at the campground the next day. We loaded up on Brood X cicadas that emerged a wee bit early! They missed there mark by 2 years.

Off to Maine next!


Paynes Prairie Preserve

We have Luna all loaded and hit the road. We stopped for two nights in the Gainesville area to shake down Luna and make sure we were ready for the trip.

We enjoyed a trip to the Santa Fe Teaching Zoo. The peacocks were really aggressive and followed us all over the place.

We enjoyed walking around and looking at all the animals. We beat the school groups so it was nice and quiet. We even got to watch one of the peacocks try to chase a cervil.

Up next was the Florida Museum to explore. I loved visiting the exhibits and exploring the entomology pinning and collection area though the window.

We went on several long hikes in the Micanopy area and collected some new specimens. We spent the evening at the campground working on pinning and mounting all the collected items. I caught a thread wasted wasp!

We wrapped up and said goodbye to Gainesville. We are enroute to Washington DC. We tried out all the seats and enjoyed some downtime while Dad drove.

I was promoted to co-pilot for a few hours.

Mom and E sat on the sofa and made silly faces at each other for a while.