Not again…

Apparently I am just prone to this stuff. Mommy keeps me VERY clean and we wash hands after potty and several other times during the day. But still, I get sick! UGH! Mommy feels really bad because a few of my REALLY good friends were exposed to me in the last few days. SORRY! I think we called all of you… but just in case be on the lookout.

So what is wrong? I have another MILDER case of Hand, Foot and Mouth disease (HFMD). Last time I had it was April of 2006. The symptoms I have just seems to be the little tiny blisters that Mommy thought were any bites. By tonight after my bath I have a nice red rash on my arms, legs, shoulders and back. I don’t itch. I don’t have the fever kids normally get. I haven;t gone poopy today so I don’t have the diarrhea. I don’t have the sores in my mouth like some strains of the virus cause. So I guess I am lucky. None of my blisters have popped yet so I don’t think I passed it on. Plus Mommy keeps my hands pretty darn clean. I shared a snack today with a friend and Mommy said hopefully everything will be alright.

Here are a few pictures Mommy took after my bath tonight.

My arm. The HUGE mark is a scratch from my potty seat. The little red dots are my “illness”.
My feet… hard to tell.

Mommy said it can’t be an all bad post. So here are a few other shots of me from tonight.

A happy boy in the tub! 🙂

Every kid should lounge on the sofa, watch out the window and keep there oral hygiene in check! Right?
Still brushing… rather CHEWING on the brush 15 minutes later.

I love my Mommy and Daddy.

Daddy was working outside “potting plants” or rather “legal herbs”. He uses them for cooking. I watched Daddy for a few minutes but the buggers were biting really bad so I came back in with Mommy.

Well, I am in quarantine until my blisters dry up. Probably until Tuesday or Wednesday. We will see. I am a fast healer! 🙂 But I don’t want to risk getting my friends sick.

Sorry again! :

How far do “non pareils” roll?

Well, the answer in this lies directly in the amount of chaos that it is likely to cause. Mommy and I were making cookies (slice and bake kind of sugar cookies) tonight in the kitchen while Daddy made dinner. Mommy was patting out the dough for me to cut and decorate. I decided to get a closer look at a full bottle of pastel non-pareils. Well, I wiggled the lid a little and Mommy said ” Hold on Mommy will help.” At the last word of her statement I managed to get the container open and send hundreds, no THOUSANDS, maybe MILLIONS of little tiny pastel colored balls ALL over the kitchen. It was AMAZING how far they rolled when I swept to the floor the ones that managed to land on the counter. Mommy and Daddy gave out a big sigh and started to clean up a bit. Mommy finished helping with the cookies and then washed my feet (because I managed to get them all over my cooking stand thusly all over my feet!) Mommy sat me in front of the TV on the sofa a told me “DON’T MOVE!” *sigh*

Daddy swept the floor and Mommy vacuumed up the disaster! Mommy said we will probably find rogue ones all over the house for a few days or weeks! So far we have stepped on quite a few. I think they hid under invisible dust bunnies or just got scared of the vacuum and are just not venturing out.

Either way… NO MORE non-pareils unless Mommy tightens the lid for me.

Growing up?

So where have I left off in my life. Daddy was out of town at “science camp” for an extended weekend. I missed him so very much. I decided that I didn’t need much sleep when he was gone. Which drove Mommy a bit nuts, but she coped with it. I was IN bed at 8 but didn’t fall asleep til nearly 10pm and then I was up between 6:00 and 6:30 daily. Mommy and I tried to stay busy the entire time. We spent Saturday and Sunday morning with Grandma Susie. We shopped, ate food, played games and watched a few cartoons. It was nice to spend some time with her. In the evenings Mommy and I would have a read-a-thon. We would read books for nearly 2 hours. I got to go to the library and pick out a few new books too. I am doing much better at the library lately. I don’t “melt” and run off. I actually even returned my books yesterday with no issues. Normally I don’t like to see them go. But I think I have finally gotten the idea that I return the ones I have read and I get to take home MORE! There are LOTS of animal books at the library. I think I will have them all read by next week! 🙂

Mom and Dad are impressed that I sit for as long as I do and read. I am getting into LONG books lately. I enjoy the stories now as well as the pictures! Today I went with my friend, Lauren, to the library for story time. I had a blast! Last story time I was accosted by a book and STILL have a scar over my eye. Today, much better!!! We sat on our little carpet rectangles and sang songs, read stories and saw a few mini puppet shows. Just about 20 minutes of fun! It was great! Mommy said we will go more often once they start up with the fall schedule. The “teacher” is very structured which helps me a lot. Some of the other library branches have story times that are VERY chaotic, she was great today!

So what else is up in my life?! 🙂 Mom and I got the car washed the other day and the cashier lady gave Mommy change fora $5 bill. The lady counted back to Mommy…1…2….3….4…5…. then I kept going 6….7…..8…9…10! Mommy was shocked, she has been working on numbers for a while but I just don’t seem to get them! She asked me to repeat myself. I, being the smart alick that I am, responded… uno, dos, tres, quatro, cinco, dies! Mommy slapped her forehead and hugged me. So now, I guess since I slipped up and showed Mommy I could count, I count everything. Sometimes in English, sometimes in Spanish…. sometimes in BOTH! I am a goober grape! 🙂

Potty learning is getting better. I have gotten 2 poppies in the potty and lots of pee-pee. I INSIST that I sit on the potty for about 30 minutes after bath-time now. I don’t always go but Mommy said at least I am comfy with the potty again. I am trying and Mommy isn’t pushing too hard… so that makes it easier. It is on my terms for a while. Mommy said she doesn’t want two kids in diapers. So I have a few more months to get this down… no pressure! 🙂

Well,I guess that is it for now. I am sure I will have man more adventures this week and update them all later when I forget about them. I hear thunder outside so that means the rain is coming… or NOT!

Enjoy your week.

Question of the day? Who am I?

Today I had to go to the doctors for a follow-up ear check and hearing test. They wanted to make sure that after all my ear infections that I am doing okay. Especially since lately I have been telling Mommy and Daddy that there are bees in my ears. Or I hear a phone ringing and grab my ear.

As Mommy puts it… I was a SUPER TROOPER! I got in the exam room and they took my temperature and heart-rate (which I am fine with now). Next was the hearing test. It looked like a massive IPod with headphones. They stuck the foam bit in my left ear and I didn’t move… it played MUSIC! Then they checked the other ear… I was very well behaved and asked to listen to more music when they were done. Mommy was REALLY impressed with how calm I was. They off the lady went to get Dr. Amy to check inside my ears and overall health. This is where I normally lose all control and hide in the corner.

Well, I DIDN’T! Dr. Amy brought over a model of an ear and showed me all the parts of the ear… she even used the REAL names and not the kiddies ones. I repeated a few back to her and then got to hold the ear. She showed me the otoscope and then used the model to show what she would do to my ears. Now normally Mommy has my legs braced between her knees, my arms folded under one of her arms and my head being held still by a firm hold around my head with her arm. I still can wiggle out of that! Dr. Amy let me hold the instrument and check out the model ear with it. Then it was my turn. She looked in my ears… i didn’t move and just sat without Mommy holding me for dear life. I honestly just sat there! Still… like a stunned deer! It was over in 30 seconds and I got a nearly clean bill of health. I still have a little fluid in my ears but it isn’t swollen or red anymore. I have to go back in 2-3 months if I am still having issues.

When we were all done Dr. Amy looked at Mommy and said “Are you sure this is Breighton!??” Mommy laughed and said that if people explain things to me scientifically I handle situations much better. I guess I am like Daddy in a lot of ways.

BTW: I miss Daddy already. He is off learning science stuff for a few days. Mommy and I are having a good old time though so far.

I am off to eat my lunch and then take a nap.

Calamari, Dolphins and Potty Success

Today was a fun packed day. This morning I went to Gymboree art class and we made bears again! 🙂 I LOVE the song “The Bear Went Over The Mountain” and ask Mommy to sing it all the time now. I took a good nap and so did Mommy. We were tuckered out from a lot of fun play with Legos again today.

After my nap we played a bit and then went to Frenchy’s Rockaway Grill at Clearwater Beach. I really enjoyed running in the sand and chasing the seagulls. I ate a few bites of calamari and really enjoyed it.

I wasn’t too keen on my grouper nuggets but I did enjoy Mommy’s fried clam strips. Chewy and yummy! Grandpa Howie, Grandma Jo, Cousin Micki, Daddy, Mommy and I all enjoyed the heat and the pretty view. Then we all loaded in the car and went over to the main beach area and wandered around a while…had an ice cream too!… and waited for the dolphin boat at 7pm. Mommy was a bit on the nervous side.. keeping track of me on a boat wasn’t the issue…rather keeping track of me on a boat after my normal bedtime! 🙂

Me with Cousin Micki

The trip was absolutely fantastic. Mommy said having lived here over 20 years she was surprised that she hadn’t done this before. We got on the boat and tooled around the inter-coastal for about 20 minutes and then found some DOLPHINS. They were a bit far and not coming up high so it was hard for me to see. I did see them a few times. Soon another boat (probably a partnership with the one we were on) showed up and made a HUGE wake and we raced along side the other boat. The dolphins were jumping 10 feet in the air and doing side flips. It was amazing! I was totally shocked to see the “mommy dolphin, daddy dolphin and baby dolphin” doing all sorts of neat tricks for us. (Mommy said it wasn’t a baby, all three were the same size… but I like to think everything is mommy, daddy and baby!) After the dolphins got bored in the wake of our boat we floated down the waterway and looked at all the HUGE homes. We saw a LOT of famous peoples HUGE houses… including John Travolta, Hulk Hogan, the guy that owns Outback, and a bunch more that I have forgotten already! People have no business having homes that big… none at ALL!

Our trip took us to a tiny little island to look for shells. I had a blast picking up shells and putting them in the bag. It kept getting too heavy so I would dump it and start again. I really enjoyed myself. I found a lot of neat shells.

Some neat shells….

The boat we were on, the inter-coastal skyline and ME

Picking more shells

I found PIRATE treasure… there were gold coins! (Mommy said it was a secret where they come from *shrug*)

I see a shell WAY over there that I want…

A crab daddy found…

Cousin Micki looking for shells…

This one looks just right…

This one too….

and this one… I am getting tired but having SO much fun!

Micki gathering the last of the shells… I think we took them ALL!

The first mate, Ron, found a sea urchin, a whelk, a crab and a few other things in the water to show us. Cousin Micki found a LOT of neat shells and I enjoyed looking at those when we got back on the boat. We had about 25 minutes to shell and then all aboard!

We then went out towards Sand Key Causeway and watched the sunset. There were more dolphins in the distance but I could barely see them.

We got back to land around 8:30 and all piled in the car and headed home. When we got home I took Mommy’s finger and led her right to the bathroom. I walked in and said “POOPIES”. Mommy stripped me and set me on the potty and I did pee-pee immediatly. Then refused to get off the potty seat. I told Mommy I wanted to read the animal book (she keeps an animal book by the potty for when I just don’t want to go and would rather just sit). Mommy has been working hard all week to get me comfy with the potty again. Well, she handed me the book and I flipped to the giraffe and got this HUGE grin and said “Diego Racetrack” and PLOP! I finally successfully put poopies in the big boy potty. I knew my reward and reminded Mommy instantly! 🙂 She will have to take me to Target tomorrow for my new Diego Racetrack! 🙂 YIPPIE!

So it was a good day!