Question of the day? Who am I?

Today I had to go to the doctors for a follow-up ear check and hearing test. They wanted to make sure that after all my ear infections that I am doing okay. Especially since lately I have been telling Mommy and Daddy that there are bees in my ears. Or I hear a phone ringing and grab my ear.

As Mommy puts it… I was a SUPER TROOPER! I got in the exam room and they took my temperature and heart-rate (which I am fine with now). Next was the hearing test. It looked like a massive IPod with headphones. They stuck the foam bit in my left ear and I didn’t move… it played MUSIC! Then they checked the other ear… I was very well behaved and asked to listen to more music when they were done. Mommy was REALLY impressed with how calm I was. They off the lady went to get Dr. Amy to check inside my ears and overall health. This is where I normally lose all control and hide in the corner.

Well, I DIDN’T! Dr. Amy brought over a model of an ear and showed me all the parts of the ear… she even used the REAL names and not the kiddies ones. I repeated a few back to her and then got to hold the ear. She showed me the otoscope and then used the model to show what she would do to my ears. Now normally Mommy has my legs braced between her knees, my arms folded under one of her arms and my head being held still by a firm hold around my head with her arm. I still can wiggle out of that! Dr. Amy let me hold the instrument and check out the model ear with it. Then it was my turn. She looked in my ears… i didn’t move and just sat without Mommy holding me for dear life. I honestly just sat there! Still… like a stunned deer! It was over in 30 seconds and I got a nearly clean bill of health. I still have a little fluid in my ears but it isn’t swollen or red anymore. I have to go back in 2-3 months if I am still having issues.

When we were all done Dr. Amy looked at Mommy and said “Are you sure this is Breighton!??” Mommy laughed and said that if people explain things to me scientifically I handle situations much better. I guess I am like Daddy in a lot of ways.

BTW: I miss Daddy already. He is off learning science stuff for a few days. Mommy and I are having a good old time though so far.

I am off to eat my lunch and then take a nap.

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