My hair grew quite a lot in the last few months. It was time to get a new photo for my school ID so I opted for a quick covid friendly cut. Masks are worn and precautions are taken. It came out nicely. So much cooler on my head without all that shaggy nonsense.
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Sunshine’s Castle
Well, it has taken us a long time to finish but we are officially completed. Many trips to the hardware store, long nights of working and many tears… but she is done! We got all the construction complete, sanded the entire thing, added 3 coats of epoxy pond liner for water proofing, painted the outside, installed the doors, 3-D printed latches for the doors, and finally had a smokey piece of glass cut for the top. I love it. Sunshine LOVES it! She is crazy active now and loves exploring all over the place. I left the latch open and she made a break for it and we found her under my bookshelf. OOPS!
Only step left is to add UV film to the doors to reduce the UV in my bedroom. We have to wait for the film to come in a few weeks.
Saying Goodbye to Luna
Well, the time came. It was sad for all of us but we know that we just can’t show her the travel love we have the last 5-6 years. Luna, is still named Luna, and is off with her new owners. Douglas, the dog, is enjoying her as they travel the country. We sold the jeep to the buyers as well so Mom has been without a car for a while.
Mom finally got her new Tesla Model Y. She loves it! I get to drive it now too!
A giant box came with all weather floor mats and Emmerson immediately climbed inside.
Oh we also got a new ice cream maker! YAY!
Dad made the new car, GinnY, fit in the garage. She even has her own power charger so no sharing.
E got a new African Fat Tail gecko too.
I guess all these things that normally aren’t news are the highlight of our covid summer.
4th of July
We had a fun 4th of July. We didn’t want any real fireworks this year so opted for a bunch of things that made smoke and some of the ash snakes. We had a grand time lighting them off in the driveway. When dark rolled around the bugs were biting fierce. We loaded in Dad’s car and parked down the street and watched the booms and flashes from all the neighborhood. I guess since the public displays were all canceled due to COVID-19 people spent tons of money on their private shows. We watched for about 45 minutes and all had enough. We went inside and called it a night.
Grandma Jo and Grandpa Howie came up over the weekend and we made ice cream, and killed the ice cream maker in the process. Thunder was acting strange and not his usual LOVE ME LOVE ME self. Mom checked him over and found a huge bite mark on his tail, presumably caused by another cat that was afraid of all the fireworks the night before.
Thunder went to the emergency vet to be checked out and get some antibiotics. He is hiding out in Mom and Dad’s bathroom and wont leave. I am sure he will come around eventually.
He did venture out one time to roll in the clean warm laundry. UGH!
Forest Ecology Contest
As you may know, I have been participating in the 4-H Forest Ecology program since I was 8 years old. In the program we learn a lot about botany, how to identify trees and plants, about insects and diseases that can be stresses for plants and orienteering and tree measuring skills. I have been waiting to be a senior 4-H member to go for the highest award, 1st place and a scholarship to UF. With the virus still running around, the contest was moved to a virtual setting. We did the contest back in April.
I ended up taking first place in the senior group and our team also got first place. I received a $2000 scholarship to UF Cals. Additionally, our team was invited to participate int he National 4-H Forestry Contest in West Virginia. Sadly, the contest was canceled due to the virus.
My time in the forestry program now comes to an end and I will return as an ambassador and teen leader for the program. I learned so many new skills and acquired a ton of knowledge in this program and I am grateful that 4-H invests the time into amazing programs like this.