Mommy’s update from yesterday: Barcelona Pre-Ship
Last night I finally crashed at 9pm (BCN time). I woke up at 1:30 shouting my normal “Mommy, Are you??? (meaning Mommy get your butt outta bed and come hug Breighton!!). She gave in…eventually. Mommy tucked me back in and then I fell back asleep until 8am when Mommy & Daddy were standing over my awesome port-a-crib rubbing my back to wake me up. (BTW the port-a-crib was overly comfy, nice thick mattress and cute teddy bear sheets and blanket)
I allowed them to get me out of bed and changed and ready for breakfast. We went down stairs to the hotel food place and had our free breakfast. I really enjoyed the waffles (now, it’s no Mickey waffle), grapes (with seeds that I instantly rejected), and ONE spoonful of yogurt. Mommy and Daddy ate all sorts of nice meats, cheese, yogurt, veggies and fruits. We met a family that is on an eight month sabbatical from life to tour the world with then 3 kids (all between 9 and 12), wow, bless their hearts!
After a nice breakfast we headed to catch the Tourist Bus (19e per adult, I was FREE). It was a short walk and then we got of the bus It was a bit chilly out so we sat down-stairs on the first bus.

We rode the bus for about 30 minutes and then switched to a different bus line (goes to a different part of town).

We were intending on making a full loop and then going back to the Gaudi Sagrada Familia, but the bus broke down (just our luck) and then unloaded everyone… it just HAPPENED to break down in front of the Sagrada Familia, how odd!

We walked around the outside of the church and got a call that G’ma & G’pa were all checked in at their hotel by the airport and were ready to go site-see. They took a cab over to meet us. Meanwhile, I found a playground and lots of neat toddlers to play with. Nothing like the playgrounds like home but there seemed to be a playground or tiny little green park on every corner. Very kid friendly! I played in the sand and got all dirty.

Soon I saw G’ma and G’pa and ran to hug them. Dad and Grandpa were taking turns with the picture taking. It drove everyone NUTS!

We toured the church and saw several DISers (people on the repo-cruise) on a tour. It was too crowded or we would have said Hola! The church was amazing to thing it was started in the 1800’s and isn’t projected ot be finished until 2025!! Quite fascinating. There were lots of people hard at work carving marble and granite.

After the Sagrada Familia we waited a but and finally all got on the bus and sat up top and tours the city. I got a bit buggy while waiting so Mommy had to walk around with me a LOT!

When we got on the bus trip was very pretty and full of neat architecture, people and things to look at. I kept telling Mommy that I saw a “fruit cow”. Mommy was rolling her eyes and then finally saw it! A fruit cow… or grape moooooo…. It was an advertisement for something! Silly I know.

We hopped off the bus and grabbed a quick lunch at “Pans”, a local sandwich chain… YUMMY. I took a nap in the stroller for a while. Then we rode the bus for another hour or so until things just all started to blur and look the same to us. Daddy let me take a picture of him. That was FUN!

Daddy thought this was cute. The sign reads “remain seated!” HAHAHA.

We hopped off and went to the ZOO… the highlight of my day. I saw so many fun animals. The zoo is deceptive from the outside. It is quite large but the animal habitats aren’t exactly PETA friendly. All the animals were VERY active, we figured since it was close to zoo closing it was also close to FOOD time for the animals. The hippos were great… they were swimming all around.

I saw so many different animals and really enjoyed this part of the trip. It is a MUST for kids who like animals!

I really enjoyed reading the map and pointing out where I wanted to go. I could name ALL the animals by the end of the trip!

This bear kept smiling at me! 🙂

The laziest lion in the world.

Grandma Jo bought me a MONKEY! 🙂 Fun!

We were all tuckered out after the zoo and caught a cab back to our hotel (G’ma & G’pa came too). I came upstairs with Mommy while Daddy found out about how wonderful it is too book your transports to the cruise through Disney. They will pick-up our luggage at 8am and then us at noonish. They will even have our Key To The World cards for is in the morning! Mommy & I got cleaned up while everyone else went and picked-up dinner. I snacked on fruit and yogurt after my bath. By the time that was done it was nearly 8pm and everyone…me especially… was past beat! I finally crashed at 9pm and could hear Mommy & Daddy playing with candy or something.
This was the view from our hotel.

I will try to post more regularly now that we will have LESS expensive internet connections. Our time ran out last night and it was $$$$ for another day. Not worth it!
Best of luck as our journey continues. I miss all my friends and family already.
NEXT UPDATE: Boarding and more Barcelona Play… I want to convince Mommy & Daddy to go to the Aquarium tomorrow!