Company! (… in hindsight, the good part of my day)

Mommy’s friend Todd and his sister Mandy and her son Tyler came over. Tyler is 5 months old. He’s not mobile yet, but I had a really fun time showing him the stuffed animals hanging from the little play area I used to use. I also showed him a few books and we had a great time. We had lunch together and everything. Way fun. We all hope that they come over again or that we hang out again soon!

What’s going on in my life…

I am sorry that I haven’t posted in a week or so. I have been a very busy boy. So I will just post a few highlights of my life since I last posted.

I got my 15 month shots (MMR and Chicken Pox) a few weeks ago and low and behold I had yet ANOTHER reaction to the shots. This time I got Chicken Pox! GO ME! I didn’t get it too bad, only about a dozen pox. Daddy said it happens in rare cases because the vaccine for chicken pox is a “live” vaccine. Ugh! I have been a bit cranky and off kilter but I am doing better now.

Mommy & Daddy took me to Epcot for the day (last Saturday). I had a really nice time except that Mickey and his friends kind of scared me this time. I do not know why… I wasn’t really feeling well. I ate at the Garden Grill and cleaned all the veggies and meat from my plate. I am finally becoming a more tollerant eater. I really like my veggies and fruits… raisens and olives especially!

Mommy took me to a gymnastics class last week. That was interesting. I got to jump on a huge trampoline and run around on all the squishy mats. I kept falling into the foam pit and getting stuck in the very middle so Mommy would have to jump in to rescue me. Hehe, that was a fun game… sorry Mommy! I even got to do some assisted summersaults!

I went to JcPenny and got pictures taken of me in my halloween costume. Mommy said she will pick them up next week and mail some out to people! I look really cute, but I am not telling you what I am going as… it will be a surprise! 🙂 Okay, I hate surprises too… I am going to dress as a dolphin. Mommy and Daddy have really cool polo shirts that say “DolphinTrainer” on them. Those parents of mine are so gosh darn creative! 

My art class was really fun last week. Well, art is always fun. Last Friday the theme was “feet” and I got to put my feet into trays of paint and walk all over paper on the groud. It was really fun to squish the paint between my toes. No tactile issues with me! I got so excited I sat down in the paint…then rolled in it. I was filthy! Next in class we played in the tactile table (a trough filled with a tactile substance and scoops and cups to dump and pour) full of bird seed. Well, as you can probably imagine… semi-wet paint all over a toddler and then playing with bird seed made quite and interesting combination. I was covered in bird seed. Mommy, being the smart Mommy that she is, had a change of clothes for me. Most of my friends in art class went home naked (save diaper).

Mommy is trying to shift my sleeping schedule for day-light savings and the cruise coming up. I now go to bed around 9pm and get up around 7:30. I am taking one nap a day from 2-4:30pm. I take good naps, I go right to sleep when Mommy & Daddy tell me it is nappime or bedtime. Daddy said I still need to shift about another hour. I don’t mind too much, I just get to play more with Daddy after work!

I get bigger and smarter everyday. I love drawing and painting and using my crayons. Mommy is trying to teach me more animal names and sounds. I really like to “GROOOOOOWWWWL” like a tiger or lion. I “meow” like a cat and “buzz” like a bee. This week my favorite word is “owl”. I say it really well! 

I like being me. I love all the wonderful things that my Mommy & Daddy do for and with me. I enjoy spending time with my family. I enjoy being me! 


Busch Gardens

Mommy & Daddy took me to Busch Garden this morning. I really enjoyed all the kid rides with my parents. It wasn’t too crowded so there were no lines!

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I got to climb all over on this cool rope bridge. It went really high into the air. Mommy & Daddy took turns going through it with me.

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Then we went and fed the Lorikeets. It was fun when Mommy was holding the nectar. Birds were all over her. I tried to pet the birds.

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A bird landed on my shoulder and I giggled and tried to pet it too, but it bit me and I got scared and cried until Daddy got me from Mommy’s bird covered arms.

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Mommy was COVERED in birds and when Daddy was taking pictures of Mommy and laughing really hard, because she didn’t really like the birds all over her, birds landed in HIM! Hehe!
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After that we called it a day and came home for my nap.


Mommy & Daddy woke me from my nap and I went right into my car seat. They said we were going to Atlanta. That is in GEORGIA??? 8 hours away? Mom… Dad… ARE YOU NUTS!!?

We drove up to go to Ikea and look at shelves for my bedroom and new cabinets for the kitchen. It was a really fun drive, I got to watch movies and sing songs with Mommy. I stayed up really late on the drive up… 9:30! We got to Atlanta at around 11pm and I went right to bed in my port-a-crib in the hotel.

I had a LOT of fun at Ikea and because I am such a good boy I got some new toys too!

Mommy & Daddy took me to the Georgia Aquarium. It was OK but I really like the Florida Aquarium better. Georgia was way too crowded and I didn’t get to see a lot of fish because bigger people kept stepping on me and pushing me around. I didn’t like it that much.

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I got to go to World of Coca Cola. I tried some funny flavored drinks from around the world. I got to see a chair from Fenway that was on display… GO RED SOX!

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We saw a rasta-man driving his car with his music blaring at the top volume… funny thing… it was Christmas music. Mommy & Daddy giggled for a while. I walked around a really confusing shopping mall and was tired and ready for bed. We called it an early night and went to the hotel to rest for the drive the next day back home. I enjoyed playing in the hotel room.

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I enjoyed the car ride and more movies. Mommy played more car games and sang a LOT of songs to me to keep me quiet so Daddy could drive. We finally hit Florida and stopped and got free orange juice at the welcome station. I needed to stretch my legs. I played ion the little kids area and flirted with all the elderly women and men! People make me smile.

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Finally home and back on solid ground. I got some nice new bookcases that Mommy & Daddy set up in my room for all my books. THANKS PARENTS!