Gainesville Spider Photography and Museum Fun

Today we spent the day at UF again. We started our morning at the Florida Museum of Natural History. We saw some amazing items in the specialty collection that were in the museum archives. Then we learned from some professors and grad students bout DNA. We even got to extract DNA from a strawberry. It was really cool. We got to take him the DNA in a little vile.

E was playing in the kids area and found this beetle in the wrong collection. Bug humor!

Wwe ate lunch in the NATL and had a nice hike around seeing how flooded it still was over a month after Hurricane Irma.

Up next we were invited to the UF Jumping Spider Lab (Taylor Lab). We learned from grad students and professional photographers about some techniques for photographing insects.

I had a fun time setting up habitats and taking photos.

We need to get a better macro lens for things like this! I am excited to keep trying insect photography.

They even let us take home a few of the specimens we were photographing today!  We brought home a lynx spider, should bug and two golden orb weavers.

Here are some of the photos I took.

Not a spider…

I think we have been busy lately.

I had to co-lead a lesson at our 4-H club on knot tying. I picked out all the supplies and stayed un my budget of $10. We used paracode and screw eyes instead of fishing line and hooks so no-one got hunt when practicing!

Teaching our club. 

I finally caught a fish this year! It has been a rough time with cooler temps and stronger winds!

My pal Dominic caught several fish too!

I have been hard at work on my insect collection for 4-H. I have a lot of work to do to get it ready for January’s contest.

Our 4-H club hosted a booth at Farm City day. We taught kids about fishing, fish parts and even had an arts and craft fish printing.

I liked running the fishing pond and giving out prizes to the little kids when they caught a plastic fish! We only had one kid jump into the pool! It was bound to happen! We had a fun outing to the roller derby. I liked it a lot but it was really loud! I want to go back but next time with ear plugs.

We also went to Venice Beach to look for sharks teeth with Grandma Susie and her Cousin Marilyn. We found a lot of shells and sharks teeth. My friend Zoe came down for the day too and we had fun splashing around in the water.

We had lunch at Red Lobster after all the beach fun!

We helped Dad build a new grill this week too! It is neat and runs on little compressed wood pellets.

E is chasing me with the camera again for his class. I am hamming it up for him!

We had a great time at La Nauba in Disney Springs. We saw the holiday decorations first and then laughed and laughed at the show. I really liked the clowns the best!

Mom found a GIANT bag of the pretzels we use for chex mix!

We had a fun shoot at archery for 4-H. What a fun treat for Thanksgiving!

I spent a lot of free time working on a lego village that I promptly destroyed with my tiny nerf gun. I need a bigger nerf gun someday!

We all worked on decorating the Christmas Tree. Yes it is tiny. Since we won’t be home for Christmas this tree will travel with us in the motorhome. We had to tie all the decorations on really well so they don’t brunch off as we go down the road.

I am enjoying my new longboard I got as an early Christmas gift.

Disney Fort Wilderness for Halloween

We are all set up for Halloween at the Fort. We love this tradition and look forward to it every year. I was grumpy and Mom was trying to cheer me up. She kept making funny faces at me until I couldn’t help but giggle.

We had a great site this year and had a blast decorating and maki it look all spooky for Halloween. Disney spooky that is. 

We all enjoyed carving out pumpkins. I made Chernabog.

I enjoyed scootering around with Mom without Emmerson. We had a lot of fun exploring. It was all fun until she asked me to take the annual photo on the hay bales. 

Oh how embarrassing! 

Back at the campsite and Dad and Emmerson were still working on their pumpkins. 

All ready for trick or treat! I am going as a steampunk person along with Emmerson. We had candy for 1000 trick or treaters but sadly didnt get that many this year. 

I enjoyed the golf cart parade but I was embarrassed to be sitting with Mom and Dad. 

We had a great Halloween with lots of treats. We spent the next few days in the Disney parks. 

I think I was victorious making Emmerson dizzy on the tea cups.

One morning there was no water pressure and we found out there was a break in the line. We enjoyed watching them tear up the road and fix the leaking pipe.