SNOW! Snow! SNOW??

We woke up today to white stuff blanketing just about nothing. Wait, that sounds strange. It snowed last night. There was very little accumulation but still enough that you could tell it came down.

The most was on the car! Poor car was shivering!


I don’t think our car has even been this cold. 30F!!! hehe That is even more cold than the “cold room” at Costco!


You can see the snow on the branches, roofs and bushes but the ground was a bit too warm to keep any.


Mommy thought it was too cold to go outside so she went and scrapped some of the snow off of the car and brought it inside for me to play with.


We picked up some waterproof gloves at Target for working in the yard ad they worked great for playing in snow!


I was having such a good time!


I liked scooping the snow into other cups.


I tasted it once but it was really cold and kind of dirty tasting! ((Go figure it was taken from the hood of the car!!!))


Great Granny came and stuck her finger in the bowl. BRRR! She went right in and warmed up! She is so funny!


Mommy eventually let us go outside and play. I could have cared less about the snow. To me it was all about the WORMS again! UGH!


So happy to be outside. I wish I could be out all day but it is chilly still! Up to 32F!!!


Mommy will be doing tons of laundry this trip! Yup, I just sat down on the muddy wet ground! See, this is my earthworm bucket. There were not as many worms today but I still managed to dig up about 10!


I really like Ohio!

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