Ohio Vacation

After school on Friday, Mommy, Emmerson and I headed via car for Ohio. We drove the entire afternoon and evening on Friday and then ALL day on Saturday. We finally got here on Saturday night at about 7:30pm. Just enough time to stretch my legs and run around in the yard before bed.

Today, Sunday, we has a VERy busy day!

We started out the morning in the rain at Boardman Township Park for a little education on maple syrup making. We apparently were the only silly people that braved the icky cold and rain. It was only about 40F out.

Grandma Susie and I walking to the shelter to find out about what wag going on.


They had real animals that had been stuffed and mounted. It was kinda of weird but they looked really cool!


We found out there were wagon rides back into the woods to see the maple sugar tapping on the trees. We hopped aboard and were the only people on the ride.


Mommy brought blankets so Emmerson and I could snuggle up warm. Grandma Susie kept me warm too!


There was a really awesome park employee that drove the tractor through the trails.


Here are a few of the pots we found.


It was nice because the driver would stop for Mommy to take photos. There was another park employee on the back of the wagon that was trimming trees as we went. Apparently some of the branches were “scratching” people on the ride yesterday!


I loved the wagon ride.


Then we same the guru of maple syrup. He told us all about how to measure the sugar content of the sap and how the syrup is made. It takes 43 gallons of the tree sap to make 1 gallon of syrup! Lots of work but the result is super yummy!


When we got home Grandma and I went to play in the yard. I wanted to look for bugs but found something even MORE COOL!


WORMS! ((and a frog))


Checking my shovel for little worms.


So happy!


Here is one!!!


They were baby earthworms.


You just pulled up the carpet moss and they were right on the top of the soil. Sometimes you had to dig a little.


I think I collected about 50 worms. We put them in the garage for the night and tomorrow I will put them in the garden that I planted wildflowers in today!


After Emmerson’s nap we all went to the YMCA to play in the splash/spray fountains! I loved going down the big slide and splashing into the nearly 2 foot deep water. I didn’t want to leave I was having SO much fun!


Here is the only photo Mommy got of me because I got splashy and she didn’t want to get the camera wet.


When we got home I played with the neighbor kids for an hour and then called it a day. I got to say night night to Daddy over the webcam tonight. That was very neat! 🙂 Thanks Daddy!

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