Is this OUR child?

This morning Mommy and Daddy swept me out of my bed and into a fresh diaper and then the car. Off for another trip to visit Mickey Mouse! 🙂 Wow! I was a HAPPY boy, but then again I generally am. So this spur of the moment trip was caused by the DisneyPhotoPass. Mommy and Daddy have had a lot of pictures taken that expire in a few days and it was a better deal to buy the entire collection of photos than one at a time. So they added a TON more pictures today with our mad crazed dash through Epcot, Magic Kingdom and MGM Studios. Actually it was really fun.

Mommy and Daddy even took me to get my FIRST HAIRCUT!!!! Sure Mommy snipped a lock on my first birthday. But that didn’t really count. We were at Magic Kingdom and there was a VERY short line at the Barber Shop there! 🙂 I sat right down in the chair and the nice lady plastered me with Mickey stickers and then gave me several to play with as well. She snipped and clipped and I laughed and giggled. I sat very still (not our boy!!) and let her work her magic on my head. I must say I look pretty darn handsome now, not that I didn’t before. Afterwards they gave me a REALLY cool Mickey ear hat that said “FIRST HAIRCUT!” Wicked cool! 🙂 I also got a certificate showing what a BIG boy I am. Mommy was sad to see the hair go but it will grow back.



Mommy is MAD

Today I have been, well, a PILL! I know it is just the fact that my nose is drippy and I am cutting tooth #11! It is cold out so Mommy and Daddy said I shouldn’t be running around outside if I already don’t feel the greatest. Mommy just needed to get out of the house so we took a trip to the grocery store for ingredients for dindin! 🙂 Which to me just means I get to ride in the “car” cart at Publix and get a FREE sugar cookie! 🙂 YUMMIE! No more balloons because apparently the MRI machines in the world are causing a helium shortage so the grocery store doesn’t give free balloons anymore. BUMMER!

Well, it was only a few minutes before noon and the rotisserie chickens at Publix (Sunset and 19) were dated and time stamped “good from 9am til 12. Mommy decided to get my cookie and then go see if new chickens were put out yet. She saw the deli lady reach into the case and pull out the old chickens….THEN…change the time on them with a big black marker and put them back into the case! HOLY NOOOOOOOO! Mommy said something and the lady pretty much ignored her so Mommy went and found the deli-manager. Mommy complained and then came home (without the chicken she needed) and called the FDA, Florida Dept. of Health, Publix Headquaters and angrily complained to Daddy!

As for me… I fell asleep in the shopping cart while eating my cookie. I heard Mommy being angry and frustrated. Food safety is something we are very careful of in our household and what we buy in the stores. It is MY safety, so I like Mom and Dad looking out for it! Anyway, Mommy got me successfully transfered to the car seat and then to the crib at home… I am really worn out!

Carrot Peelers are NOT for Cats

Today while Mommy was helping me pick up my toys, I took a leisurely stroll through the kitchen and discovered a drawer that I could open. In the back of that drawer (which i can proudly say I can now reach) was a fun looking toy. I saw Mommy brush Hunter (the cat) the other day with something like it so I figured that MUST be what it was for… sadly Hunter ran away after the first brush and Mommy got MAD! I am sorry… I thought if I could reach it I could play with it, right??? Apparently NOT! Potato/carrot peelers are NOT toys, so I have learned. Sorry Hunter that I could not make you look all pretty. Mom said at least there was no blood shed.

I am enjoying helping Daddy in the kitchen. Last night I helped supervise three small cups of water. Daddy said it was special BIG BOY water. I was able to pour it back and forth between cups and all over the counter and floor. I even got to drink it. FUN! 🙂 I am such a big helper. Mommy said with moments like these she can forgive the peeler incident.