My new song…

I made up a new song. All by myself! “Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, all the way to Africa.”

Enough said. My song rocks! I came up with it on the carriage ride tonight at Disney’s Fort Wilderness Campground. Prince Charming (the horse pulling the carriage) even sang along and apparently he’s normally quiet!

Night peeps! Time for some sleep before Animal Kingdom in the morning!

I’m ready to go!

I woke up this morning and told Mommy “it’s vacation, time to go see Mickey!”

I packed my Lumpys in my pillow sack. I still had some room left and Mommy asked if I wanted another stuffed animal or if I wanted to save the space in case I found a new animal. I got really excited and said “oooooooooooooo” than quickly took the not full bag to the garage door. 🙂 New animals!!! 🙂

Every Person Comes Out Tired??

I sure agree. EPCOT sure made me tired. This morning Grandpa Howie came over and we went to Disney World for the day. He say’s Grandma Jo encouraged him to come over and relax for a day. I don’t know if I agree — I think he was somehow driving Grandma Jo crazy and she told him to go away for the day. I know Daddy drives Mommy crazy and she says it’s genetic so that must mean Daddy got it from Grandpa Howie! That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Anyway, this morning when I woke up we got in the car and went over the WDW. We decided I needed a haircut (gotta look handsome for the Med cruise!!!) so we went to the Magic Kingdom and I got my second haircut. It was every bit as fun an experience as the first time ( Even if there was a long wait. While I was getting my haircut, Daddy & Grandpa Howie went on Pirates, Haunted Mansion, and Small World (I did say it was a long wait for my haircut, didn’t I????). After my haircut, we had a nice lunch — I love grapes and apple sauce. Yum! We went back to Splash Mountain and while Daddy & Grandpa Howie were on Splash Mountain, I decided I just *had* to ride the train! So we rode the train all around the park. That was fun! On the way out, we stopped for Dole Whip (I insisted on eating Daddy’s…. I think I might finally have him trained to share. We’ll see…)

From Magic Kingdom we went to EPCOT. We didn’t ride anything over there (except the monorail) but we had fun anyway. Well, at least everyone else did. See if you can guess what I was doing….


I’ve been told this is the entrance to EPCOT and the whole ship is done “Tournament of Roses” style. That is my pal Stitch in the dingy.


This apparently is the “center” of EPCOT (right before the lake as you come in.) Mommy is pushing my stroller. Grandpa is being Grandpa. Daddy is taking the picture. Where is B? Hmmmm.


Oh wait, here I am!!! Catching some zzzzzzzs in front of Italy. I decided to take a nice nap in the stroller. I missed most of the park, but I certainly had fun sleeping.


Mommy made sure to get a picture of the little choo-choo trains! I LOVE them and she knew I would be upset if I missed out completely.


Okay, If Sleepy is in the middle… should Daddy be on the other side of me by Grumpy?? Maybe he is more of a Doc??


I eventually woke up in time to smell the roses…. very important I am told. Everyone needs to stop and get some pollen up their nose… I mean smell the roses! 🙂

I showed Howie all over one I woke up. I led him by his “finnngaaaa”.


We went into a butterfly garden. I saw so many butterflies.


Mom said not bad for a cheap camera! 🙂


The last thing we did at the park was.. BEES! I love “hon-eeee bees” The man taught me that bears don’t eat honey…they eat baby bees. Hmmm. I will stick with the honey.

After the parks we went to Artist’s Point for din-din. I behaved like a champion! 🙂 I enjoyed my Tillamook cheddar Pasta. I played with blue flashing ice cubes, colored a pirate Mickey (and the table), made a pretty sticker collage, and gobbled up a HUGE bowl of ice cream! 🙂 Everyone was impressed that after such a long day I acted so well at din-din. On the way to the car I found a wild bunny. I am good at finding “nature”. I said bye-bye to the bunny and we got the car and headed home.

I watched The Heffalump Movie on the way home, got a very quick bath and was tucked in by 9pm. That was a VERY long day and I am VERY tired. I think I will wake up 2 hours early just to keep Mommy & Daddy on their toes! 🙂

Disney Goats

So I woke up Saturday morning and Mommy threw me into a clean diaper and clothes and then buckled me into the car seat. We were OFF! To where?? Disney, of course! Isn’t that where everyone goes on the spur of the moment? Actually Mommy & Daddy’s wedding anniversary is on Monday so it was kind of a get-a-way for them. (Happy 3rd Anniversary Mommy & Daddy!) Mommy & Daddy opted for Animal Kingdom for the first part of the day. It was really nice out but the parks were a bit crowded (Spring Break??). We went back to “conservation station aka Rafiki’s Planet Watch” and I was the ONLY kid in the petting zoo, human kid of course! I wasn’t afraid of the goats this time. Mommy got me a brush and I had to make sure EVERY goat & sheep (about 30 of them) in the corral was brushed by yours truly. I got a few more than once. Mommy just giggles and followed behind.



After I brushed EVERY goat Mommy & Daddy washed my hands and feet too. Mommy said Crocs don’t mix with goat and sheep poopie infested dirt. Daddy washed my shoes too! FUN!

We went to get on the train and this guy stopped us and said we were in the right place at the right time and we were given “Dream Fast-passes” for Animal Kingdom that day. Basically we got to go to the front of the lines on 6 rides. Kinda useless since I was tired and ready for a nap. But I did ride the safari and Daddy went on a roller-coaster. If I were 4 inches taller I could have done the other rides, oh well NEXT year! 🙂 I did get to wear the necklace rope it came on, that was NEAT! 🙂 (a piece of grey cord…woohoo!)

We went to the hotel and I REFUSED to sleep on the BIG bed so Mommy & Daddy got me a port-a-crib and I fussed and then crashed. Short nap and then off to Dinner at Artists Point. I ate a LOT of my pasta and cheese, a BUNCH of Daddy’s salmon and a HUGE bowl of ice cream. I behaved VERY well.

We wandered around EPCOT for a bit and then the walkway at Boardwalk. We were in the hotel room by 8:30 and ready for bed. I REFUSED to sleep in the port-a-crib! Ugh, I think Mommy and Daddy were mad at me for being so wishy-washy on my sleeping locations. (Mommy said not really!) I slept in a bed with Mommy (Daddy took the other bed because it was too small for all three of us, comfortably). I went right to sleep and then my games began. As Mommy tells me I TOSSED and FLOPPED and TWISTED and SWUNG in my sleep. Mommy finally gave up at 1am and put me into the port-a-crib and went to sleep herself. I like my space when I sleep. Mommy & Daddy were both apparently floppy sleepers as kids… Daddy still is. I got up at 5:50 and at 6:20 Mommy brought me back to the big bed and I tried to go to sleep again. Daddy thought it was funny that I was mumbling words like nose, teeth and hair. He though I was practicing my phonics. Mommy informed him that I was indeed not, I was poking Mommy in the places I named. In the dark I missed a lot… Mommy’s eyes hurt! Sorry!

We rolled out of bed at 7am and had a quick breakfast and off to EPCOT. I was miserable… tired… grumpy. We did one ride, which i CLUNG to Mommy the entire time, and headed back to get the car and come home.

It was a LOVELY trip but I am just tired. Off to nap!

ps: after the goats I don’t know why no one took more pictures… silly parents!