Mom’s Ramdomness

Mommy has been taking a lot of photos on her iPhone lately but has been too lazy to download them for me to blog. SO this is just a random post of things I have done in the last few weeks.

This was me at the Mickey Not So Scary Halloween Party. I got to ride a LOT of rides since the crowds weren’t too big. I enjoyed the carrousel a LOT.


Me playing with Legos… I can literally spend HOURS playing with the little pieces. Don’t mind the monkey outfit… I really like wearing it!


I have learned a new playground skill. I am learning how to climb the rock wall. I will only go a few feet up but I really have fun doing it!


This was at the car dealership. My CD player broke and Mommy and I spent a lot of time waiting. I spun in circles for a long time, oddly I don’t get dizzy. Mommy questions if I am her son? She gets motion sick just watching me!


I have really enjoyed the cooler weather lately. Mommy & Daddy took me to the playground where I spent MOST of my time making a HUGE pile of pine needles.


Then I enjoyed jumping into them. Funny, I don’t think I have ever “seen” anyone jump in a pile of yard debris but yet I felt totally compelled to dive right in!


It made me VERY happy!


I did hide my pine cones, that I found in the field, under my huge pile.


Here they are. I think I will go roll them down the slide!!! Great Idea!!!!


Through this tunnel and then down the slide!


I went to ANOTHER park with Mommy. I really enjoy swinging like a monkey on the bars.


I made a new friend, Joanie (5y/o). We ran all over and looked in all the holes and played in all the bushes. She is very earthy like me.


We even climbed on rocks together. What a cutie! I really like playing with the older kids at the playground!


In other news… my moods have been up and down… mainly down lately. I have been aggressive and disobedient, but mainly towards Mommy. We had a few rough patches but today I am feeling a LOT better. My teeth are really bugging me and I don’t know why my impulse control is non-existent but I go from happy to miserable in 2 seconds!

Mommy hopes it all passes in the near future because it has been a challenge for the whole family. Thanks for all the advise from my friends and family that have helped get Mommy through these last few days.

One thought on “Mom’s Ramdomness”

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