Fun but NOT fun…

Mommy took me to the mall to get out of the house today for a while. Daddy was busy working and Gymboree was closed. Mommy and I had a blast at the mall. I ran all over the place and had a wonderful time in the little play area. Mommy said it is more disgusting and germ ridden than Chuck E Cheese but I still enjoyed myself… A LOT!

Riding the turtle.

Driving the car. Except I didn’t fit too well in the car! Everything is ultra squishy!

Mommy and I did a little shopping and then headed to the car. She loaded me in my seat and hit the truck unlatch and it didn’t open. Mommy just grabbed the manual handle and tossed the stroller in the truck. She went to start the car and NADA! We were STUCK at the mall.

But after a very well choreographed exit strategy everyone was home safely and the car was at the dealership to get fixed. Thanks to all those who participated in the emergency get Breighton home before he melts down plan. Being that it all happened 30 minutes before my normal late nap time. Thanks to Grandma Jo for the ride home. Thanks to Grandma Susie for giving Daddy a ride home from the closed dealership (it was Labor Day!!!). Thanks to Daddy for helping Mommy not have a nervous breakdown in the mall parking lot! 🙂 Thanks to the lady at Orange Julius for selling us a smoothie to get me through the meltdown! And thanks to HONDA for putting such CRAPPY batteries in their cars! A battery should positively last more than 2 years… even in Florida. COME ON NOW!

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