Dinner, Chocolate and Ice Cream Trucks…

Today Grandma Susie came over and played while Mommy worked in the yard and Daddy worked on the fish-tank. Now the yard looks great and the fish-tank is all fixed and working great. I really enjoyed reading and playing with Grandma Susie, I even cleaned up my toys. She taught me how to use the “Slinky” to go down the stairs to my tree-house. VERY COOL!

I had so much fun that I refused to take a nap again. After a little prodding I finally gave in and took a 50 minute nap. Mommy said she needed it to be 20 minutes longer because her nap was abbreviated because of mine. Oh well, sorry Mommy!

After my nap we headed up to Great Grandma Thelma’s (GGs) house. I played on the back porch and tossed a foam ball around a bit. There are LOTS of fun things to play with at her house but Mommy & Daddy kept grabbing my hand and telling me not to touch things. Mommy brought her laptop so we played my Dora game and also played with the computer built-in camera. I like to see myself on the computer. We all went to a wonderful dinner at a place called Niko’s! The food was great and the company was better! The waiter brought me a slice of chocolate cake when I finished my dinner. My eyes got bigger as I dug into the cake. I took a big bite and smiled with delight. When I smiled everyone started laughing. My teeth were brown from all the chocolate and I was grinning from ear to ear. SO YUMMY! After the meal Mommy took me to get cleaned up and to look at the fish in the lobby. When Mommy was helping me wash my hands she got attached by the auto soap dispenser. It started going crazy and spraying soap all over her shoulder!!! The little sensor was very sensitive and she had stepped close to the wall to allow me more room to wash my hands! OOPS! It was all good thought, Mommy just laughed it off.

After dinner we drove home. On the drive home I suddenly perked up and announced “Hear that, Ice cream truck!” Mommy rolled her eyes and told me no-no sweetie it is just the music from the Tarzan movie you are watching. A few moments later we stopped at a light, right next to an ice cream truck! It wasn’t playing its music but I KNEW it was there! Me and my ice cream trucks! When we got home I had a nice bath and read a few books and then tucked under for night night. Once I moved to the top bunk I haven’t wanted to leave. I LOVE it up in my tree-house! 🙂 Well goodnight all… I have a busy week of playing ahead of me! 🙂

Going to sleep tonight with the sound of thunder and the flashes of lightning.

Water In My Tummy!

Yesterday I discovered that if I drink an entire sippy of water or milk really fast that my tummy jiggles and I can hear it. Mommy & Daddy were practically rolling on the floor laughing at me. I would sit on my knees and do the twist and laugh uncontrollably when I heard the water/milk slosh around in my tummy. I told Mommy that I had “bubbles in my tummy”. She explained what the sound really was and I wanted to hear it MORE. I made myself dizzy twisting back and forth.

Mommy & I had to go to the diagnostic center so she could get her blood drawn for tests for the baby. I was really nervous because there were LOTS of people in long white coats trying to take me away. Okay, maybe not… but white coats scare me! I was a super trooper for the entire less than ten minutes we were there! I got stickers for Mommy being so brave, that was COOL! I told the guy taking Mommy’s blood that “BB put moneys in the pi-ote, sorry!” He didn’t understand what I said other than whatever it was, it was causing me HUGE strife, therapy type strife!

So what I MEANT was… the other day Mommy decided that giving me coins for potty usage was fun. I get a penny for sitting on the potty, a quarter if I do pee-pee and a dollar if I do poopies. Well, I had earned a nickel because I sat on a potty at Grandma Jo’s house. I had that and 2 pennies in my pocket. Mommy was talking to Daddy in the kitchen and I was playing with the piano. Suddenly I discovered that I could put the nickel between the piano keys! Boy did I get yelled at BIG TIME! Okay, noone yelled that loud, but Mommy & Daddy were disappointed in me. I can’t even look at the piano now without breaking down and tattling on myself. so bottom line “BB put moneys in the pi-ote, sorry!”

Upstairs… In the tree!

Today, after much complaining, I convinced Mommy that I should sleep UPSTAIRS in my new bed. She said “fine by me!” And then something about “just go to sleep!” I took awhile to unwind and settle in and only took a short 1 hour and 20 minute nap compared to my usual as of late of around 2.5 hours. Oh well! 🙁 At least I slept in the bed that will be my only option when the new baby arrives as the bottom mattress will go to the baby’s room for Mommy to rest on. So far there isn’t much in it for ME with this new baby on the way! Humph!

Well, we (Mommy, Daddy and I) ran errands after my nap and I was very fussy and melty again. Mommy worked hard to keep me calm. We gave up and came home for din-din. Mommy has a migraine coming on and Daddy is waiting for Monday when he goes back to the office for work. He keeps sneaking away and doing work because I am driving everyone batty!

Possible reasons to my NEW attitude:
1) Too little sleep
2) The horrid clear runny nose and puffy eyes I have had all weekend
3) I am 2 and I want what I want and when I want it
4) Just because!