My New Room Is Coming Together… nicely! :)

The other day I decided that my stuffed cat was cold. So I put her in a bucket and covered her with my blankets. Then I decided she needed a Lumpy and a binki. So I found those and she was all tucked in for a nap. But I think I got the concept a bit wrong because Mommy & Daddy were laughing at me hysterically. I kept telling them that I wanted to “hatch the cat”. So I sat on the nest for about 20 minutes and chilled while I tried to hatch my cat! 🙂 It never happened. Oh well!

So as requested here are a few photos of me hanging out in my new crib. Daddy said I can’t move in until I am potty trained! Oh boy! That may be FOREVER! At least I can hang out and play in the new room.

Climbing uP! Aren’t the wall colors WILD!
Hide and Seek with Daddy
And Back Down Again!


Where ALL my toys are. Mommy worked hard to get them all into one room. Just a few random things left to finish! 🙂

I got a few new dress-up toys. Daddy especially likes my pink jelly shoes with the police hat! 🙂 I have a little woven purse too! I am such a goof.

I am sure this photo will lead to many therapy visits as I grow up. But hey, I had fun! 🙂
Me attacking Mommy and the camera with a stuffed turtle!!

I am enjoying being me. Mommy said I just need to sleep a bit better. I am taking shorter naps and sleeping less at night. She said I am not allowed to do that right now because the baby is kicking her butt at night and she isn’t getting much sleep. Both of us can’t be cranky. Thank goodness Daddy isn’t cranky too… oh wait… he is! We are all very sleep deprived and the baby isn’t even CLOSE to being here!

One thought on “My New Room Is Coming Together… nicely! :)”

  1. OH THANK YOU!!!! See I got in trouble when my lil cousin(1) got a hold a baby doll and I didnt take it away…I’m glad I wasnt in the wrong 🙂 He
    s gettin soooooo big!!!!

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