Bithday Bash

Well, I am 2. I guess I have been two for a few weeks but I had my OFFICIAL party now that we are home from out VOYAGE.

I had a BUNCH of friends and family over and we hung out in the backyard and played all sorts of fun games.

Me and my gal Lauren playing in my water table.
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Ain’t she a CUTIE!
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Me and Cousin Anna painting picture frames.
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My coy grin… I am up to something??
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The backyard in completeness.
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Daddy had blocked off the gate access. I liked hiding down the path.
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Time for my homemade (by Daddy) cupcake!!! Mommy held it and…
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I huffed and puffed and ALMOST blew the candle out myself.
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I desperately needed a juice box after all that huffing and puffing.
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More water table fun with my other gal Evie!
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All my guests left for naps and Cousin Ian supervised as I vacuumed up the remaining mess.
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