More Goats, Eggs and Stroller Rides

This morning Mommy, Daddy, Grandma Jo and Hooooowwwwieeeeee took me to Safety Harbor Community Park for an Easter Egg Hunt. Wow! What fun! They had games (which I didn’t play), a petting zoo (this was AWESOME) and a HUGE baseball field FULL of eggs to find. I know that finding eggs in a ball field doesn’t seem that challenging but I am not even two yet! Plus there was a gazillion people there!

I really enjoyed “quacking” (and signing duck) at the ducks and other animals in the petting zoo. There were bunnies, ducks, chickens, turtles, goats (a baby goat too!) and I think a sheep. I brushed all the animals and giggles with childish delight. I really love animals.

(me “quacking” at ducks)

(more ducks…see me sign “duck”)


(a chicken…cock-a-dooooodle-do?)

(saying HI to a turtle)

(itty bitty baby goat)

Then it was time for the egg hunt. I didn’t quite get it at first. I finally picked up 2 eggs and successfully got them in my turtle Easter basket. The next two eggs I grabbed were a different story. I decided to run to home plate and then to the fence with them. I think I understand baseball and egg hunts now. I went back over after Mommy helped me understand the difference and started putting eggs by the dozen into my basket. Then I dumped my basket and started for more. There were a LOT off eggs and a lot of kids, I even ran into some of my Gymboree friends.


(me making a break for the infield)

(Mommy chasing me..)

(now back to the hunting and gathering part)

(lots of people…lots of eggs… lots of happy 2 and under kids…this hunt was just for 2 and under the other kids had different egg spots!)

(I got this now)

(Look I found another and my basket is full!!)

After egg hunting, which I am now a PRO at, we went to Lakeshore Learning (educational store) for a few new toys, then to Mellow Mushroom for lunch and then to Citrus Park Mall to shop a little.

I crashed in the car on the way home (3pm… 2 hours past my nap time) and Mommy successfully got me into my crib when we got home.

What a fun day! 🙂

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