Displaced… how I feel.

Well, all my toys are crammed into my room and I am not allowed to play in the living room, kitchen and dining room. Ugh! Mommy & Daddy are having the kitchen remodeled and it is a nightmare on the other side of the pass through door. Mommy has been busy trying to entertain me in new fun ways. This week I got my first Thomas the Train cars. I LOVE them! I am busy making bridges and tunnels out of my books and driving the trains and my Hot Wheels cars through them. I even took my big tumble mat and made a HUGE tunnel that i can waddle through. Cool! 🙂

Mommy & Daddy worked on the kitchen tile on Saturday so I got to spend the day with Grandma Jo and Grandpa Hoooooowwwwwiiiieeeeeeeeeee! I really enjoyed that. We made a fort, I ate jellybeans and watched Dumbo! 🙂 I really liked Dumbo.

The kitchen progress is a bit slower than Mommy & Daddy figured but Daddy is on top of it. He complained to the contractor and things are moving a bit better today. We have a ceiling again in the kitchen! 🙂 YIIIIPPIE! Today they should finish the electrical and insulation and then they need to fix the other pass through door to make it wider. They THINK the cabinets might be able to go in on Thursday, but I am not to optimistic. I don’t think I will ever have my play room back!!! 🙁

In other news, we are getting closer to the Disney Cruise! 🙂 Everything is finalized as far as the excursions Mommy & Daddy are taking me on. I get to ride on a train, eat cheese and see dinosaurs!! (ROAR!) Mommy is still nervous about the flight to Spain with me in tow. I am going to TRY to be good, honest! 🙂

Oh yeah, I get to go to a toga party on the cruise ship! Wicked cool for a almost 2 year old! 🙂 I am going to make Mommy take her laptop when we go so she can help me blog from Italy and France.

Well, that is all for today. I am a bit tired and heading for a nap. New pictures soon of the kitchen. Mommy is a bit lax on it this time because she doesn’t want to be underfoot.

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