Sunshine and School…

Sunshine is growing like a weed. We are slowly making progress on her new cage. We have been passing our days wit summer classes and sunshine fun. We made a trip to the Lego store in Orlando to buy some new sets for hurricane season.

Oh and see the funny photo below with a slice of blue cheese where the rind looks like it says “4-H”! Crazy!

On the Road

Well, I have been dreading this day for years. I took FLVS Drivers Ed over the summer and learned the basics. I don’t intend to drive much if I can avoid it but Mom and Dad think it is a good idea that I learn how anyway, just in case! You never know when there will be an emergency or situation I will need to drive, so I may as well be ready. I started with a few lessons from Dad then he passed me off to Mom. I am scared and nervous but getting better by the day. We try to go to the mall parking lot for practice. I have a teen driving challenge from scheduled in November and I am terrified!

Ringling Art Museum

For my art history class we got extra credit if we visited the museum. Because of COVID-19 we weren’t able to go as a class. They offered a virtual tour but I wanted to see the real thing. Grandma Jo met the four of us at the museum for the day. We had a fun time looking at all the artwork, wandering the grounds and looking for Grandma’s not-so lost wedding ring (it was at home!oops). The museum was empty mostly and people were wearing masks. Even the head of David out front had a mask on. At least people are taking this seriously in a fun way. I saw a lot of artwork I am learning about in class and enjoyed the trip a lot. It was nice to get out of the house for the first time in a month or so.

15th Birthday Fun

I was hoping for a more exciting day this year but I think it worked out with the calmness. Covid canceled our Alaska trip so we are just making things up as we go along and figure out how this virus will play out. I wanted my bow tuned for my birthday so we went to Adventures Archery. I got all set up and then my friend, Steven, showed up and we hung out on the range for a while. It was nice to hang out even if we have to keep our distances. No masks when shooting.

Dad ordered some large lobster tails and Emmerson made me a yummy chocolate cake. We celebrated quietly at home and it wasn’t too bad. We have played a lot of card games lately to pass the time. I also am getting some treatments on my big toe for a very stubborn wart. I did a fancy SWIFT treatment but it didn’t work so now they are using beetle juice to try to knock it out. I am happy they are trying to make it go away but it means no swimming either.

Sunshine is also having her first shed with us. Which means she is growing, so we are doing something right. We are going to start on her new cage soon.

May Not So Madness

Well, not much has really happened since COVID-19 hit. We have stayed home a lot. Our summer vacation plans to Alaska were canceled. I decided I wanted a bearded dragon so we did some research and found a local breeder and met them out in Tampa to make a purchase. Mom slammed her finger in the Jeep door and it really hurts. Classes started up at SPC for the summer and I decided to take a few (Physics and Art History) since I had absolutely nothing else going on all summer. We had some excitement with the archery room at the 4-H house flooded. A pipe on the toilet broke and ruined the flooring and baseboards in the entire house. We got it all cleaned up and the equipment relocated, not like we are shooting right now anyway.

Sunshine has been the highlight of the summer so far. Oh and the Forest Ecology contest went virtual. I think I did well, I should know in a few weeks. We suspect nationals will be canceled.