It’s been three months…

It has been three months since my last tooth. Tonight I was acting really OFF. Mommy looked in my mouth and low and behold there was a new tooth! YIPPIE! I now have one first molar (or at least two little points of it). Daddy said it is my left upper first molar. I say it is “ouch!”

I was so off tonight that when I was going to bed tonight I took a head first running dive into the frame of my bedroom door. Mommy & Daddy let me go to bed because I was acting okay but they came in an hour later to check on me. When the light turned on I shot straight up in bed, looked at my parents as if they were crazy and then went right back to sleep. 

So today I was off-balance. Tomorrow will be a better day, it HAS to be!

I grew up?

Mommy has been sad all day. It all started last night in the bathtub. Mommy decided that it was finally time to trim my hair a little. Daddy kept saying it was too long in the back and little boy hair shouldn’t touch the collar (let alone go past it–especially only on one side!). Mommy snuck up on me when she was washing my hair and SNIPPED about 1-2 inches off the back. I wiggled and got mad when I figured out what she was up to. So she had to put the scissors away and stop with the cutting.

This morning she attacked me again when I was watching my Little Einstein cartoon. GRRRRRR! She evened it up a bit. Mommy said it isn’t the best (but knows that a barber wouldn’t have been able to get within 10 feet of me) but it will do for now. I kind of like feeling the breeze on my neck so I guess it wasn’t all that bad.

Mommy is sad because her little boy is getting bigger and growing up. I am a little sad too because it took me a LONG time to grow that hair (don’t worry Mommy saved it in a ziplock). 

You’ re welcome Daddy! *hehe*


Fun Outside

The weather is finally cooling off a bit and Mommy and I can play outside during the afternoons now. Yesterday we had another messy art project day in the driveway. I got to scribble with sidewalk chalk (but I liked the flavor more than the coloring effect). Then Mommy got out my paints. I painted everything in site… including ME! I had a lot of fun.

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100_1957.JPG  100_1974.JPG

I stayed pretty clean! You can see my grovy scar progress in the picture. I am healing well, I hear paint helps! Mom said, “Probably not.”




Recovering Well

I am doing very well on my road to recovery. My boo-boo is healing nicely. I don’t have to wear the silly band-aid anymore and the stitches are all gone. Mommy said I was a trooper when they took out the stitches. I knew when the doctor would get close to my forehead and I would pull away! I am so smart! But he eventually got all of them out. Daddy will try to get a new picture before the weekend of my progress. Here is one from the day I got the stitches out
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It is looking very good and healing nicely. I get scar treatment two times a day from Mommy. I really don’t like that much either, but I give in eventually.

Here is another picture Daddy took of me eating grapes with my fork. I eat better when I get to use big people silverware! 🙂 GO ME!
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I get to go see Mickey Mouse again soon. I am really excited because my friend Ethan is going with me this time! YEAH!

I guess that is all for now. Will check back in a few days! 🙂