My New Room Is Coming Together… nicely! :)

The other day I decided that my stuffed cat was cold. So I put her in a bucket and covered her with my blankets. Then I decided she needed a Lumpy and a binki. So I found those and she was all tucked in for a nap. But I think I got the concept a bit wrong because Mommy & Daddy were laughing at me hysterically. I kept telling them that I wanted to “hatch the cat”. So I sat on the nest for about 20 minutes and chilled while I tried to hatch my cat! 🙂 It never happened. Oh well!

So as requested here are a few photos of me hanging out in my new crib. Daddy said I can’t move in until I am potty trained! Oh boy! That may be FOREVER! At least I can hang out and play in the new room.

Climbing uP! Aren’t the wall colors WILD!
Hide and Seek with Daddy
And Back Down Again!


Where ALL my toys are. Mommy worked hard to get them all into one room. Just a few random things left to finish! 🙂

I got a few new dress-up toys. Daddy especially likes my pink jelly shoes with the police hat! 🙂 I have a little woven purse too! I am such a goof.

I am sure this photo will lead to many therapy visits as I grow up. But hey, I had fun! 🙂
Me attacking Mommy and the camera with a stuffed turtle!!

I am enjoying being me. Mommy said I just need to sleep a bit better. I am taking shorter naps and sleeping less at night. She said I am not allowed to do that right now because the baby is kicking her butt at night and she isn’t getting much sleep. Both of us can’t be cranky. Thank goodness Daddy isn’t cranky too… oh wait… he is! We are all very sleep deprived and the baby isn’t even CLOSE to being here!

Diego Was Hungry

So, those of you who Mommy haven’t told: I AM OBSESSED WITH GO DIEGO GO! I admit it, I am! But what is not to love, animals and adventure! Did I mention the ANIMALS? I have perfected some new words “pygmy marmoset”, “Spectacled Bears”, “Anaconda” and many new other new animal names thanks to my pal Diego. I am going through another verbal explosion this month. I have also picked up the LOVELY phase “NO WAY!” and use it often. Mommy is trying to get me to say “No thank you” but I just don’t think that has the same impact? Does it?

Today Mommy and I went to wander around a shopping center to kill some time when Daddy had an important work call. We walked from one end to the other and I tripped on the way back. I skinned my knee, it may be my worst boo-boo ever (Mommy said…ummm. NO…. kiddo you didn’t even bleed! Just a tiny scratch!). But it HURT! I insisted that we go straight to the car to get boo-boo medicine and a band-aide. Along the way we past a shoe store… suddenly I felt a LOT better. I insisted that we go “soo-shopping”. So Mommy reluctantly took me inside where I proceeded to be VERY well behaved. After a few minutes I was done in the store and insisted again that my boo-boo HURT so off to the car we went to get me fixed up. Mommy played right into my drama and fixed me all up with a Curious George band-aide. Then off to the grocery and then home.

I lost my band-aide while playing in Daddy’s office so i told Mommy “Need more boo-boo medicine, please!”. So Mommy fixed me up again with a Go Diego Go band-aide. Thank goodness we have so many band-aides. I think I will get hurt a lot if the outcome is a cool band-aide. Sounds like a good idea, right Daddy??

After my boo-boo surgery on my knee I was sitting on the sofa chatting with Mommy and suddenly I darted off and came back with a Lego carrot bunch that goes with my farm Legos. I climbed on the sofa and told Mommy that “Diego is hungry, eat the carrots Diego”. I fed my Diego band-asie the carrots and felt much better.

Yes, I am totally of the wall insane sometimes and I am quite sure Mommy and Daddy wish the Gypsies would have come to get me a long time ago… but Mommy said moments like today make it all totally worth it! 🙂

Thanks Daddy for not dropping my off at the fire-station that night I was really tough (when I was 4 months old!) and thank you Mommy for staying home to play all day and teach me all sorts of fun ways to annoy Daddy! 🙂 I love you both!

Zoo with Grandma and Grandpa

Today I spent the day with Grandma Jo and Grandpa Howie. Mommy and Daddy worked on getting part of my new room remodeled so when the baby comes they can have my old room. They got the walls painted (BRIGHT green, yellow, red and blue… one each!) and my new ( ) bed put together. It ROCKS! I will tell you more about it later as it is not officially my room for another few weeks until it is all put together. I did have fun climbing on it though tonight when I got home.

Anyway… the ZOO! Grandma and Grandpa picked me up around 9am (after breakfast and cartoons) and took me to Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa. It was a very hot day today and we all must have lost 5lbs in sweat. The let me feed the giraffe, which I was a bit apprehensive about.

I took Grandpa Howie on a camel ride.

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We had a blast! I love riding the camels.
We rode the merry-go-round but I refused to sit on any of the animals, I just wanted to ride on the bench/chair thingy. Oh well. I really had fun… just no animal riding today!

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I got rhinos and hippos confused. At least that is what I am letting everyone think. Really I was just playing the same game I played with Mommy and Daddy all week… I kept calling a giraffe a zebra. I finally stopped after my parents were sufficiently insane! This week maybe rhino and hippo will be the new game.

Ready for more fun! 🙂

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After a hot day in “Africa”, I mean the zoo, we went back to Grandma/Grandpa’s house for a nap. I stayed awake the entire ride home by pretending to tickle Grandpa Howie with a paintbrush. He needed some color? I then took a 1.5 hour nap and had a snack and played a few games with my Grandparents.

Grandpa was shocked when I told him to “Leave me Alone!” My new thing is I tell people to “Leave me alone!!” then I go find a quiet corner and do my business. At least I know when I have to go. Mommy told me if I put poo-poo in the potty this week I can have a new Diego Racetrack I have been eyeing! 🙂 I remind her daily that I want it but haven’t quite surrendered to the idea of poo-poo in the potty right yet. I like to remind Mommy and Daddy of all the “special treats” they promise me. My memory is SUPER sharp now so don’t try to pull a fast one on me! 🙂

After a fun play we all went to Macaroni Grill. GiGi came with us too. Mommy and Daddy were still hard at work at home. I ate like a champ, considering I didn’t eat much all day, no surprise there! After dinner I got to go home and jump on my new bad! I was really happy to see Mommy & Daddy.

I absolutely loved my day with my Grandparents. Thank you both so much for such a lovely outing and fun play day. Mommy & Daddy got so much done!

Blog updated

Okay, Mommy finally got her tushie in gear and got all the pictures from the vacation posted as well as everything else she promised to post. So there are new edits and posts going back to mid May now.

Thanks for reading! 🙂

I am having a hard time with MONSTERS this week. I think I see them everywhere. Mommy & Daddy are trying to help me understand but I just don’t get it. I still keep getting so scared and wanting Daddy to hunt the monster or dragon. Maybe it will pass… *cross fingers*

Good Nights Sleep

Well, we can check that off my list of things to do in life. I went to bed at 8pm and woke up at almost 8am today. Mommy was VERY happy because Daddy had an ice cream late last night that had a fair amount of not just corn syrup but also high fructose corn syrup. So basically, Daddy couldn’t fall asleep. In fact he was up so late that he is STILL sleeping right now (8:30am). Poor Daddy. Mommy felt like crawling out of her skin from her ice cream too. We all broke the rule of no corn syrup products within 8 hours of sleep!

I was so rested that this morning I got up and have not wanted to watch TV at all. Mommy has been reading and now we are playing Legos again. Another LONG day of Legos…. is that okay Mommy?