Mommy and Daddy took me on a cruise this past week. It was very fun and memorable. We drove over to Cape Canaveral (on the other coast of Florida) and stayed the night before the cruise. We played at a park and got to go see Disney’s other cruise ship in port, The Magic. We went to Ron Jon Surf shop (our hotel was less than a mile away from it) and I got a bright yellow rash guard (sun-proof surf shirt to keep me from burned skin).
We got up early the next morning (because the time changed…UGH!) and loaded the car and headed to the cruise terminal. We got all checked in and then I got to play in this HUGE lobby while we waited to get on the ship. I watched cartoons and chased other kids around, I flirted a bit too with the older girls. Soon they called for us to board the ship. NEATO! Mommy & Daddy pushed me all around the ship. It was very big and VERY “Disney”. There were cartoon characters everywhere and bright colors all around. We got to go to our room at 1:30 and I immediately went down for a nap.
We were in room:

Mommy unpacked and Daddy explored the ship. Mommy woke me up from my nap and said it was time to put on my “lifevest”. Okay, NO FUN!

I was still tired and had to put on this horrid bright orange thing that covered my whole body. Mommy & Daddy wore them too but theirs were WAY less complicated than mine. Then we raced down some stairs to our “muster” station. Okay, I DON’T like “muster”
Then we ate a nice dinner. The cruise is special because you get to go to different restaurants for each dinner. We had really nice servers that took very special care of us. I even liked the food. I still prefer grapes and watermelon, but I tried a lot of new things.
It rained all day on Monday when we were in Nassau. We went on a shore excursion to the Atlantis Hotel & Casino. There were a lot of stairs and I was sleeping my my stroller so Mommy & Daddy had to use the elevator. The guide sent them the wrong way and when they finally found the elevator it was broken. Eventually the guide came back and helped Daddy carry me down the stairs to the aquarium. I slept through most of it but did get to see some fish. I don’t think Mommy & Daddy enjoyed it all that much because after a VERY quick stroll through the “Straw Market” and a few other shops we went back to the cruise ship. We kind of took it easy the rest of the day.
On Tuesday we went to Castaway Cay (pronounced Key). Mommy took me to the top deck on the cruise ship and shoed me the Flying Dutchman (from Pirates of the Carribean… the movie). As well as pointed out the island to me.

THe weather was really nice in the morning and I got to go play on the beach and in the crystal clear water. We got to go on a gla
ss bottom boat tour. I really enjoyed that. The guide even let me feed the fish some dried oatmeal! 🙂 I picked up every piece that blew back onto the boat and threw it in the water to the fish. I am SUCH a good fish feeder! Daddy & Mommy held me tight so i didn’t fall in.

After the boat tour we ate a quick lunch on the island and then took a leisurely stroll back to the boat taking pictures along the way.
These are water buoys that were painted like Disney characters.

Here is me in my stroller (the sun was in my eyes) with the Flying Dutchman and Disney Wonder behind me.

We got back to the cruise ship and I went right to bed. When i got up from my nap I got to go trick-or-treating. That was fun. Then at nighttime Mommy & Daddy went to a fancy dinner at “Palo” and I played in the nursery. I really enjoyed that because I got to watch cartoons and play with other little kids.
Here are some more pictures Daddy & Mommy took of the cruise ship.

The next day, Wednesday, I woke up at 5:15 saying “cock-a-doddle -do”, yes, I crow like a rooster! Mommy was NOT impressed. She cleaned me up and put me in my swim clothes and took me to the splash fountains again. We were the only people on the pool deck area for at least an hour. Mommy looked tired. But I had a LOT of fun. These are the pictures from yesterday when I played in the fountains too. (Mommy can’t run the camera and watch me in the water at the same time, I am too much for that!)

Mommy dragged me away from the fountains and back to the room to change and get clean for the nursery again. Mommy & Daddy went back to Palo for brunch. They ate LOTS of rich foods and both said they were too full for anymore food after that. I only took a short nap at the nursery so Mommy and Daddy were a bit tired by the end of the day. Daddy took a galley tour of the ship, he REALLY enjoyed that. Mommy went to a few shows in the evenings after I went to sleep. I got to go fold towels into animals with Mommy. That was neat too! Then one more trip to the nursery so Mommy & Daddy could pack the bags and enjoy one last dinner alone. Early bed for everyone tonight as breakfast is at 6:45 and then all-ashore at 7:45.
We all had a WONDERful time. I can hardly wait to do the Mediterranean cruise next year.
I am sure I left a lot out and Daddy will probably amend this post later with all the little fine points. Time for my nap.