Marine Quest, a New Tree and Other Random Things

We bought these new chairs for the lining room. Mom just laughs when we are all sitting playing on our tech. We went back to Marine Quest with our 4-H group again this year. We had a lot of fun with the microscopes. We got the duck people again this year. So many questions but so few answers. I loved the shark ID lab. We used the dichotomous key to ID several sharks. But my favorite display with year was the carnivorous plants.  We went back on Saturday with Dad and enjoyed some crafts, molecule building and ocean learning. The weather cooled off for one day! Thunder thought the world was ending and curled up for snuggles. Lately he wants to lay on me each evening. We upgraded the little tree this year to something taller. We had a lot of fun shopping at Robert’s Christmas Warehouse. This one has so many lights and we even added a few more! 

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