We stopped along the way for the night at a campground and spent the evening bug hunting and pinning our collected critters.
We arrived in St. Louis and stayed at a casio campground. For dinner we went over to have the buffet at the casino. E hate many shrimp, his new food of the month.
B downed lots of chicken fingers and then the entire dessert bar.
Our main stop was City Museum. We had a blast with a full day outing to our family favorite. We led GrandmaJo and GrandpaHowie all over.
Mom braved the dome again.
Grandma and Grandpa rode the ferris wheel on top of the 14 story building.
We had fun in the spinning chairs.
We saw an amazing bug collection!
E loved the ropes in the skateless park.
We had some fun making snowflakes with The Snowflake Lady.
The giant hamster wheel was fun. Grandpa and Grandma were both defeated but didn’t get hurt.
We smells smoke and a few minutes later the entire building was evacuated. We stood nervously outside after gathering everyone up. Everything was okay and we were allowed to return back inside. B was a bit frightened but was able to calm down and enjoy the rest of the day.
So now we have the long journey home. It will take us two days. E passed the time wearing Dad’s shoes, reading on his kindle and annoying Breighton at every chance.