Daddy got a new chair and E and I converted the box into a cool fort. We had so much fun in our fort.
(As portrayed by Mom & Dad)
Today Mom took me to the Young Eagles flight day at Clearwater Airpark EAA 288. The pilot, Bruce, that I have flown with several times before was out sick. Mom eyeballed the list and found Peter, who also flies a RV series airplane. Peter has a RV6 that took him 5 years to build.
We got a tour of his plane and then we had to wait for the flights to be called.
My buddy, Lex, flew with Peter first and then it was my turn. He was a very popular pilot and I learned why. He was super kind and really listened and engaged with me. I told him I flew before a few times with Bruce and he must have felt confidence in me.
We got a pilots safety check and then loaded up.
We went over some instruments and controls. The RV6 is a side by side two seater so I was really in on the action.
Off we go, getting ready to taxi down the runway. The wind shifted just as we were rolling out so we had to turn around and go the other direction.
Here is a video of us taking off!
We were gone 24 minutes, according to Mom! Our flight plan took us up along US 19 to New Port Richey, turning left and heading towards the coast, turning left again and down along the coast and over Honeymoon Island and then back to the airpark.
When I got back I was grinning ear to ear. Mom asked why and I told her I flew 3/4 of the trip! Peter let me take over once we got to altitude. I flew up until approach! WOW!
I was tempted to fly up into the clouds but I didn’t dare.
Every time I fly Mom says I look older when I land!
Me and Mr. Peter, aka Pilot Pete! He was an AWESOME instructor.
After our debrief he gave me a special flight map. It is outdated but really cool to look at. I can post out my flight path and the nearby airports.
Young Eagles is always so amazing!
Today at karate class I got my green belt. I have been working really hard to earn it and hope to get my next belt this fall. It has been a long road since switching instructors and classes. I had to basically learn everything from the beginning. But I love my class and my instructor, Coach Rick.
After class we had a Pokemon trading card club gathering. There were 12 kids all busy wheeling and dealing! 🙂
We booked a homeschooler field trip to Sea World for this week. We went over the night before because we have been having a hard time getting up at 7am let alone even earlier to make it on time.
We watched an educational show on animal adaptations.
I was picked to me a team leader for a “food chain” game.
After the short program we had run of the park. We loved the Dolphin Nursery. They were very interactive and it was nice to see the mamas with the babies and not separated.
I loved all of the aquariums and tanks. This one was very neat that you could pop up inside and get a 360 degree view.
The dolphin show also had pilot whales. I had never need a living pilot whale before, just photos!
We had a quick lunch and then explored more.
I loved the penguin exhibit but was very cold. I borrowed a shirt from one of our friend’ mom to stay warmer.
We got to feed the seals!
The shark tanks were very neat.
We also saw the orca show but sat in the splash zone so Mom had no camera out to take photos. Good thing too, we got SOAKED!
On the way out of the stadium I tripped and hurt my arm. Just a bad bruise. This is a photo taken a few days later (updated to blog).
What an awesome trip. I am so glad we have waiting to go to SeaWorld. We did the entire park (except a few rides). We were there for 10.5 hours and walked over 8 miles. We were all exhausted. I fell asleep on the way home.