Comic Con in Tampa


We went out to the convention center is Tampa for Comic Con. It was my first real BIG Comic Con. I was amazed hot many people dressed up and became different characters. A lot of people must like spider-man, we saw about 20 Spider-mans.  E and I bought these good animal tails that clip onto our jeans.


I liked spray painting on the mural wall.


I really wanted to buy a few Godzilla action figured but I had no luck finding anything in my price range. I learned a valuable lesson about what a toy is versus what a collectable is. I really wish people would just play with toys instead of making them expensive for kids to have.

Apple Camp


Mom and Dad signed me up for Apple Camp at the Apple Store. It was a three day class of learning how to use iBooks Author and writing my own book. I had a fun time learning to use the programs.


The last day we all had to get up in front of a packed Apple store and present our projects! Everyone laughed at my story about Mutant Hybrid Pets. IMG_1756

We got to save out final projects onto free portable USB drives that were actually bracelets.


4-H Marine Camp in Niceville, FL


We loaded the camper and drove up to Niceville for my camp. Dad dropped us off and Emmerson and Mom camped alone for the week. I enjoyed some walks around the campground. I loved all the deer moss that was tucked back in the bushes.

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We played in Rocky Bayou at the state park campground. The water was kind of stagnant so we tried to stay out of it.

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We did wade a little but were worried about bacteria. We found out the next day they closed the water due to high bacteria counts.


I got dropped off at camp and settled right in. I waved good-bye and didn’t look back.


I don’t look like I am enjoying myself but I did! I was frustrated because the staff member couldn’t paint a dragon!


There weren’t really photos from camp so you will have to enjoy this photo of me with Chick Fil A and a frosted lemonade after camp pickup. A camp tradition of sugar treat after camp! IMG_1691

We stopped off at the Gulf World Aquarium on the way back to the campground.


I enjoyed seeing the mama and her baby swimming around in the pool.


What beautiful beaches and water. I had a blast at camp learning about marine life, jumping off of boats in 10 foot deep water, fishing and netting. I am looking forward to Marine Ecology this year for 4-H!


Ocala Outdoor Adventure Camp 2015- Anglers


I had a BLAST at OAC this year! I was on the Anglers path and spent my week learning about fishing techniques and having a great time. The last day of camp is always the MUD HIKE. Last year I chickened out but this year I DID IT! They said my hair needed pulled up and a few teen girls helped do that for me. I didn’t really like the mud hike but i got through it with a smile on my face. I told Mom I itched so badly when the mud started to dry.

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We did seine netting in the river one day. I made lots of new friends and even came home with a few phone numbers and email to keep in touch with new friends.

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I had a great time and the stories are still coming. I have talked non-stop since I was picked up at camp. I sang all the new camp songs to Mom  and Emmerson. I told “fishing stories” about the one that got away. I was teased a bit at camp but this year for not catching fish. Finally I caught a fish on the last day of camp!

I can’t wait to come back next year. I think this is my favorite camp!