City Museum

After we picked Breighton up from camp we headed to City Museum. B loved the ball pit.


Then he found out he could climb on anything he way. He was off on his adventure. TO the tippy top of everything he could find.


He left no inch unexplored. He is wearing a white shirt and jeans in the photos. He is on the fir right of the below photo just entering the top of the structure. He even went down the 4 story high slide. He loved it!


We played inside for a while. He would vanish and appear at the other end of the museum.


The smaller the space seemed to be the more it needed explored. Every entrance leads to an adventure under, over, through and around all sorts of craziness. B bribed Emmerson to going with him.


You could go down a tube under a giant whale and pop up 200 feet away in what looked like an old fountain!


The 4 story inside slide. Breighton went down this about 3 times.


IN the skate less park he loved the rope swing.


Brave boy climbed to the top off all the ramps and slide down.


He had a blast int he bowls sliding down the highest points with the teenagers. Suddenly our little anxious kid is growing up and really exploring around him. I have some great videos of him sliding and running.


We decided to head down to the bottom level to take the elevator to the “roof”. B wanted to slide versus take the stairs. Who could blame him!


On the roof B climbed out to a bus that is cantilevered out off the 12th floor above the parking lot.


I loved climbing up this one!


They have a ferris wheel on top of the building as well. E was a bit scared but B LOVED it.


There is a giant praying mantis. Breighton wanted to find out how to climb to it. First he tired the stairs and the spiral around the outside. He could get close but not where he wanted to be. We had to explore more to figure it out.


Top of the ferris wheel.


That is one major incline. You had to pull yourself up along the rope. (the photo was taken at an angle. it really wasn’t this steep)


The big slide on the right is the one above. the slide on the left was a double decker. One shot you out under the pond (following) and the other came out a dragons mouth.


There were stepping stones across the pond. Why not cross them, right? The wind shifted directions as B crossed and he got SOAKED!!!


He thinks he found out how to get to the praying mantis. Climbing up the inside of the dome.


Still climbing.


There is a giant rope swing attached to the middle of the dome. There were some teenagers really flying around on it.


Okay, he made it to the dome. Not to climb up the middle another 1-2 stories. At the top was the praying mantis. YEAH! Then down the slides to find Mom and Emmerson.


There was a 10 story spiral slide to get back to the ground floor of the building and exit. Sadly, the line was super long and Breighton was tired and didn’t want to wait. Plus E was NOT going to go down it…. even with Mom. B was a bit nervous he wouldn’t know where to find me if he went and we took the stairs!

What a great experience seeing Breighton exploring and climbing and carefree.

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