Out of the mouths of babes.

Breighton:”Mommy those darn squirrels keep eating the birdfood!”
Mommy: “WHAT kind of squirrels?” (pretty convinced he said BROWN squirrels but not 100% sure)
Breighton: “The DARN ones…”
Mommy: “What are darn squirrels?”
Breighton: “Oh those are the kind they only have in Ohio!”

**I am sure Mommy, Grandma and Great Grandma call them “darn squirrels” all the time! 🙂

Later the same morning:

Breighton: “Grandma Emmerson just call me a bad name!”
Grandma Susie: “Emmerson doesn’t speak, how could he call you a name?”
Breighton: “He did he called me a BUTT HEAD! Listen…”
Emmerson: “baa baaa baaa ball”
Breighton: “SEE!!! He called me a BUTTHEAD like Daddy does!!!”

Visit To Lake Erie

Today we took a trip to Lake Erie. First we went through Amish country and had lunch at Mary Yoders. I wasn’t too happy about the lunch but I ate most of it anyway. Then onto the FUN! First we drove my the old Allen family cottage. It has changed a lot since Mommy and Uncle Matt used to spend summers there but it is still there at least. A lot of the homes in the area fell into the lake when they raised the lake level for the large ships to come through.

Update: Daddy interjects the following… Lake Erie level control is an urban legend. Please see: Frequently Asked Questions About Lake Erie Water Levels and Lake Erie Water Levels

This is a photo taken about 6 houses down the the old cottage. The grass used to extend another 100 feet and then there were beaches and such. Not any more. Sad!


We went to the public beach in Geneva and Emmerson and I collected rocks in our buckets. I found all sorts of smooth stones. I thought it was funny that there were no shells on the beach like the beaches back home.


The water was rather cold but I enjoyed splashing around a bit. Mommy said the undertow was very strong and suggested I stay closer to shore unless I really wanted to get a swimming lesson.


I figured out how to get my feet stuck in the sand and had a blast with that for a while.


Being silly.


Mommy and Grandma Susie were taking turns watching Emmerson and I. Mommy had Emmerson and Granny had me. Suddenly Emmerson made a mad rush for a incoming wave and Grandma Susie spun too quickly and landed in the water… HEAD TO TOE SOAKED!


After that we came up the big hill to tell Great Grandma Barbara what happened. She just laughed. I think she was really enjoying our adventure!


Mommy got Emmerson and I cleaned and dressed. Poor Grandma Susie had to drip dry because she didn’t have a change of clothing. She didn’t plan on taking a swim!

Then we were off to Madsen Donuts.


I enjoyed my chocolate glazed cake donut. It was super yummy! Donuts in Ohio are really good. Not that big chain mass made flavor. Really yummy donuts!


Mommy took me into what used to be a 5 cent and 10 cent arcade. Everything is $.50 or $1.00 now! I played a few games and won some tickets and picked out a few fun little toys.


I told Mommy i REALLY needed to play mini-golf. It was only $2.50 for just me to play. The entire game last less than 15 minutes!!! SPEED GOLF! I played every hole.

My ball got stuck on the first hole.


But that didn’t stop me. Once the ball was rescued I got it in the hole. YEAH ME!


Look at that form!




YEAH another ball in the hole!


I WIN! But I guess you knew that since I was the only one playing!


We then headed to Ashtabula Harbour to see the oar barges. Sadly, they do not come up in the harbor anymore. We could see all the coal they had brought in.


It then goes up up up over the river and down to the train yard where it is shipped all over the USA.


I was OBCESSED with this drawbridge. It goes up every 30 minutes!


I had never seen a bridge like this before so I wanted to go down the hill for a closer look at it.


Grandma Susie braved the hill with me and I got to see the bridge go up and down. HOW COOL!


Heading up the hill and saying goodbye to Lake Erie. What an amazing fun filled day. I am really glad that I got to share such a memory with my Great Granny and my Grandma Susie.


Early 4th Of July Celebration

In Poland they do their Independence Day Celebration early. We went to a strawberry festival at the local church and then walked over to get a god spot for the parade. We stopped along the way at the big hill to roll for a bit and burn off the sugar from the snacks.

We discovered that I am rolling impaired. I start out just fine, then go sideways and then roll right back UPHILL! Hmmm. All the other kids were going down, and I was going UP! Silly me!


DSCN2056 DSCN2057


We got a fantastic spot for the parade and sat and waited for a bit.


Emmerson kept chewing on his shoes so I had to do the same thing. Who is the copy croc now??


This silly lady was a Civil War reinactor. She was on her cellphone. It made Mommy giggle! 🙂


I hear the sirens. The parade is coming!


THIS IS LOUD! There were about 50+ firetrucks all full siren! UGH!


This man was VERY tall!


Watching all the soldiers was fun.


I liked the Army Jeep.


Grandma Susie helping me get ready to catch candy.


Having a snack before the next group of trucks.


COOL! The space shuttle.


My stash!!!


One last crack at this darn hill before we head home.


Nope, still incapable of rolling down-hill.
