Muir Woods

Before we left San Francisco to head to Sacramento we stopped by Muir Woods for some looks at GIANT trees.

Here is Uncle Matt, Mommy and ME standing in front of a cut tree. That tree was REALLY old.

I wanted to be loud while walking through the woods. Uncle Matt held my hand and tried to help keep me quiet.

This tree was REALLY big.

One of the large trees fell over in October. Lucky it didn’t SMOOSH anyone!

Leave it to me, I found BUGS! Ladybugs were swarming all over. I liked to get them on my hand and feel them tickle my hand.

More wandering in the woods.

Emmerson was melting down through most of the walk. He was really grumpy this day.

Uncle Matt explained that I shouldn’t climb on the fence. There was even a SIGN!

La la la la la la…..

Daddy and ME inside of a BIG tree.

I found FISH in a river. (There weren’t really fish… I was just pretending.)

Wow…really HIGH!

Okay, so the trees were REALLY REALLY REALLY BIG!

UP UP UP they grow!

Neat shot, Daddy!!!

In a tree that had fallen over.

Enjoying a few more trees before calling it quits.

Just being me!

I really enjoyed my time with Uncle Matt and I can not wait to see him in a few weeks for Christmas!!! YEAH!

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