Donner Lake

Sorry we are late to blog about our vacation but with Thanksgiving and everything else in the world Mom and Dad are a bit behind.

We had a lovely time visiting Uncle Matt in California.

Both Emmerson and I did fantastic on the flight out. Well, Emmerson cried most of the way… but I slept a lot of it! 🙂 We flew into Sacramento (aka the armpit of California!) and took a very twisty I80 up to Truckee to see Matt. Grandpa John picked us up at the airport and drove us to Matt’s place. Quite a temperature change for us. But it was still warm in California for winter and high elevation.

The first night in town we just hung out at Matt’s and settled in. We did a small amount of sightseeing and what-nots.

The next day Matt drove us around locally to see if we could find a little snow to play in. We pulled off near Donner Pass and found some beautiful snow and nice views of Donner Lake. 

Uncle Matt tried to help put on my VERY large gloves

We gave up eventually.


I found a chipmunk… but was later told it was a California squirrel! Not like Florida squirrels at ALL!!!


MY FIRST SNOW… okay so it was on a sidewalk… but still SNOW!


Stomping through the wetness… I am NOT in good clothing for this… but I didn’t care!


Look at me go… this is FUN!


Mommy thought it was funny to THROW snow at me… NOT NICE!


I liked holding Uncle Matt’s hand. He kept me safe.


I was just in my glory with all this WHITE STUFF.


A cute picture of Mommy, Uncle Matt, Emmerson and ME!


I made Uncle Matt nervous with my “not looking at my feet or where I was going”. He said I had no fear and that was dangerous on these slippery rocks. If I took a tumble I may fall all the way down to the LAKE!


I went on safari, looking for every kind of animal you could think of.


Would you believe I found a giraffe!!! Okay it was a plastic Happy Meal toy but still a giraffe… ONLY ME!


Here I go again… catch me if you can…


Taking a break with Emmerson…


Posing with Uncle Matt overlooking Donner Lake.


Ready to run again…


Getting in trouble again for being a silly-billy and running on the rocks.


What a view!!!


Gee Mommy you look silly wearing my hat!


Heading down… I think Uncle Matt had enough. Hey, do you think I should hit him with this stick???


Quote the Raven… nevermore!


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