Yesterday Mommy & Daddy took me to the mall to return a swim vest and grab a bite to eat. We ate at Johnny Rockets. I was excited…. apparently! I decided it was fun to scream at the top of my lungs every few seconds… just to keep everyone on their toes! 🙂 The poor lady sitting behind Daddy was getting annoyed. After she ate she got up to leave and was teasing me. She was fake shouting and then covering her mouth. She looked and Mommy & Daddy and kept saying “Your daughter has quite a set of lungs” and “SHE is silly” and “SHE is cute”. Okay for clarity, I AM A BOY! I was dressed in navy blue and red and wearing a choo-choo train sweater. Apparently I screamed so loud this lady lost her marbles!! *sigh*
I eventually stopped the screaming and ate my hot dog and milkshake! 🙂