Mommy lost me!

Hehe, well not really. Today I awoke from my nap a bit early and Mommy & Daddy never came to get me (they say it was because I never called for them). So, I opted to escape from my room! I managed to open my door and was in laying on Mommy & Daddy’s bed with a bunch of my Lumpys. Well, Mommy didn’t know I had played Houdini. She was in the bathroom washing paint off of her feet and noticed my door was open… then she went searching. What a crazy kid I am. Now there is this THING over my doorknob. I just can’t seem to open it anymore. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted! Tomorrow I try to conquer that THING on my doorknob! 🙂

Today I got new pajamas… Little Einsteins! 🙂 Way cool! I also got a Little Einsteins raincoat and umbrella. I took the umbrella everywhere today! I really like it. I also played with my “E-I-E-I-O” (farmhouse with animals… I like the Old McDonald song). I misplaced the cow and Mommy found it for me then i wanted the YAK! Mommy dug for a while and finally found a YAK for me to play with… I am a goof sometimes! 🙂

Another example of the goofiness I provide in Mommy’s day: We were at Gymboree free play today and I kept saying “wobby” “wobby” “water wobby”. It took Mommy a few minutes to process that I wanted to go into the “LOBBY” and have “water”. Ahhhh, the light-bulb turned on! 🙂

Sometimes I can be a pill but then I provide Mommy & Daddy with giggles and smiles and they forget that I was biting and hitting all day!

Such a good boy am I.

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