Active and Curious…

So, I’m normal (at least within a normal range!) My evaluation went well today (despite starting late). The results: Mommy and Daddy are doing all the right things and attending camp & school at Temple Ahavat Shalom should help me. I’m “active” (note: not hyperactive) and “curious”. Both of which “are good things”.

Mommy and Daddy were told to just keep up what they are doing and if there are problems at school to call Dr. Pavan and she’ll send out a form for the teacher to fill out and a form for Mommy and Daddy to fill out to help clarify the problem and find a solution.

As for my issues, the only additional suggestion was that Mommy and Daddy pick 5 things – 3 I do well and 2 they want me to master and create a star-reward chart to master those 2 things while getting lots of “easy” stars for the things I already do well. Mommy and Daddy have tried that before (although in a 1 or 2 well, 3 or 4 needing work). They’ll do it again and we’ll adjust as things move along.

Oh, I tried an experiment at camp-out today. I love the Frannie K. Stein mad scientist books. On the way to school I was talking with Mommy and Daddy about friends and then I growl and raise my hands. I told them that I do it when kids are mean to me. It backfires because then I get in trouble and the other kids don’t like me. They suggested I do an experiment where instead of growling and playing dinosaur when mad I say “No! Not nice!”. Since it sounds like the type of thing Frannie K. would try, I went along with it.

After school I told Mommy and Daddy I tried the experiment and it went well. I made new friends today and the other kids weren’t (as) mad at me. Maybe I’ll give this “use my words” thing a whirl on a more regular basis versus resorting to dino. I love playing dino though…. Oh well…. All things must change!

Yet another strange conversation…

On the way home from dinner we were talking about my inflatable monkey (George).  The conversation went like:

Me: My monkey needs an ambulance.

Mommy: What does an ambulance do?

Me: Takes you to the X-ray place.  The place with all the pictures of the beautiful bones.  (beautiful pronounced: beeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful)

Mommy & Daddy: Laughter & Smiles.

Thanks Grandma & Grandpa!

I love my present.  It’s a Schleich Animal Nursery (photo from


I immediately dumped my bucket of animals and started putting them in the stalls.  I had one of the Native American Indians doing a dance and singing around the nursery at one point.  Then, I decided it was a hotel for the animals and started giving them a place to sleep.  “Mommy and Daddy this is a *sleeping* hotel, not a *singing* hotel!”  (Okay!)  

I love this thing.  (Daddy kept saying how impressed with the quality and attention to detail and how having a rubberized roof helped out when I stumbled and caught my hand on the edge of the roof.)

I wanted to take it to bed with me but was willing to stuff it full of animals and let them go to sleep downstairs while I sleep in my tent.

Quick Swimming Videos

Here are a few clips of me at my swimming lessons. Mommy & Daddy are trying a new way to post videos so that we can add more short clips of Emmerson and ME!


Where did that rock come from?

From Floating to Flipping and Swimming

My AWESOME Floating Ability

Where Do You Want To Swim?

Refusing to go to my back

End of Lesson and I LOST My Focus, I am TIRED!