Today I planted my eggplant. I got to pick out the one that I wanted from a tray of about 6 eggplant sprouts. I didn’t pick the big strong plant like Mommy encouraged. I picked the tiny weak looking spindle of a plant. I kept him near my shirt in the shade until we could get him in the ground.
The garden is really hot so we buried jugs of water with a tiny hole in the lower part into the ground to slowly drip irrigate the plant. We also put some cut back palm fronds around the itty bitty plant to provide it a bit more shade until it grows big and strong! 🙂
This is my garden! I helped Daddy build the garden corner markers and the trellis. Mommy helped me lace them up for my beans to grow. We had a hard time getting them into the ground today. They still need to go in about another 6 inches. We will bring a step stood and a bigger mallet next week. I have two potato plants that were growing when I was assigned this garden plot. We are going to let them grow a bit and then harvest them.
A close up of the trellis.
So proud of my eggplant!
I even let Emmerson help out a bit today. He was so happy.
I can’t wait to start the planting of the other veggies in the weeks to come.