We went on vacation in the beginning of July. We drove to Ohio and on the way made several fun stops. Our first night we stayed in Stone Mountain, GA. It was really neat but a bit too touristy for our liking. We took a sky gondola to the top of the mountain.
We were really high up.
I found a crated, like on the MOON! Mommy and Daddy insisted that it was NOT clean enough to play in. BUMMER!
I LOVED the cool air and the breeze.
I found a new way to make Daddy extremely nervous. This HUGE rock was balanced on top of the mountain. I climbed it!!! Daddy was afraid it would roll off with me on top!
I opted for RUNNING! I wanted to see where all the people were going.
We followed the white line and then the yellow line and things got a bit hinky. We made a lovely hike down the mountain.
We made many stops as my little legs got tired. It was really steep in parts and Mommy was having a hard time making sure I didn’t slip.
So Daddy became the “pack mule”. He is loaded down with Emmerson, the diaper bag (full of stuff), and his backpack (which has the camera, my stuffed Cera and lots of other things).
It was a LONG hike for a toddler, about 1.5 miles total. But we were at the wrong side of the mountain when we got down do we had to hike another 1/2-3/4 miles back around to the front. Later we found out there was a train if we had just gone about 100 yards another direction!
Later, we caught the train and rode it all around. While on the train Mommy noticed that I had a rash on my face and neck.
Heat rash? Hmmm, probably from all that hiking? We went on with our journey after a qucik beverage break. That was fun. Then we played putt-putt and Mommy thought my rash looked worse so she called home to the doctor. They suggested maybe it was a reaction to the sunscreen and to give me a cool bath. So we went back to the hotel for a rest. I felt better and looked better by afternoon. So we went to the petting zoo.
I chased the goats and pet EVERY SINGLE ONE!
At last I was done, and covered, again, in the rash!!! AHHHHH!
Mommy and Daddy opted for a trip to see a local doctor. But calling around all the clinics were closed or closing. So we found a pediatric emergency center and off we drove.