I have been working hard in another FLVS class lately. I signed up for Middle School Fitness. I had to create a workout routine and then turn it into a multimedia production to turn in to the teacher.
I liked adding the warrior pose. Emmerson wanted to help me.
Crunches are good too!
I am learning a lot in my class. We have to run a timed mile each week and Mom said she dislikes this part the most. Not because of the actual running but because I really like to complain when I run! Yesterday when I ran my mile I was screaming “STOP ABUSING ME!!!†at the top of my lungs. Mom was terrified one of the neighbors would hear this and call the police. She kept saying encouraging things but I only found the run to be sheer torture. When I was done, I commented to her that it actually wasn’t bad. Mom said, “UGH!”