Today, after much complaining, I convinced Mommy that I should sleep UPSTAIRS in my new bed. She said “fine by me!” And then something about “just go to sleep!” I took awhile to unwind and settle in and only took a short 1 hour and 20 minute nap compared to my usual as of late of around 2.5 hours. Oh well! 🙁 At least I slept in the bed that will be my only option when the new baby arrives as the bottom mattress will go to the baby’s room for Mommy to rest on. So far there isn’t much in it for ME with this new baby on the way! Humph!
Well, we (Mommy, Daddy and I) ran errands after my nap and I was very fussy and melty again. Mommy worked hard to keep me calm. We gave up and came home for din-din. Mommy has a migraine coming on and Daddy is waiting for Monday when he goes back to the office for work. He keeps sneaking away and doing work because I am driving everyone batty!
Possible reasons to my NEW attitude:
1) Too little sleep
2) The horrid clear runny nose and puffy eyes I have had all weekend
3) I am 2 and I want what I want and when I want it
4) Just because!