Escaping the Crowds

We opted to skip out on the last day of the HOP and spend some time communing with nature. We all needed this, badly! We found Clarence Fahnestock State Park and plotted out a nice 6-7 mile hike. The weather was amazing! We grabbed our bug collecting gear, water and snacks and hit the trail. The first stretch was along a long lake. Soon we were deep in the woods and in our happy places. We checked for life in the creeks. We climbed all the rocks we could find. The trail was smooth in parts but the vast majority was a moderate hike. We were rewarded with glimpses of ponds and lakes scattered along the trail. The Old Mine portion was flat. It was weird to think that rail lines used to come through this area. It would have been very difficult for them for sure. There were many beautiful small flowers dotting the paths. Smiles, real smiles, all around as we took a break and looked out at another lake.  Back to the hike. One segment parallels the Appalachian Trail for a while. We always love when we get to walk parts of the trail. The trail dropped us out on the road a 1/4 mile from the car. We survived nature, like there was any doubt! It was nice to escape the crowds for one final day before we head back towards home. We wrapped up the day with a stop at one of Dad’s old favorites, Dr. Mike’s Ice Cream. Dad had their famed chocolate lace. We all enjoyed the sweet treat! 

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