Oscar Scherer State Park

We took a family day trip down to the Sarasota area to visit another state park.

We checked out the visitors center and picked up out park ranger activity sheets. We visited the nature center and made some neat necklaces with the ranger. Then we went hiking. We hiked the Lester Finley, blue and green as well as the South Creek trails. It was a beautiful day for hiking.   


We saw the eagles nest. It is in one of the pine trees way behind us in this photo.


Hiking the pinewood flatlands was very nice.


Emmerson’s 7th Birthday Bash

We rented a bounce house and slide for Emmerson’s birthday party. We all took turns before the guests arrived.



Mom hung out with us and relaxed laying down to cool down before the chaos arrived!


We made lots of silly faces.



The slide got hot in the sun but we discovered that if you slide down on towels you can go even faster! They had applied Armor All to the slide before we got to use it.


We got a cotton candy machine again and I ate way more than my fill!


I crashed on Grandma Jo.



But went back for more!


More jumping and burning off the cotton candy.


Happy 7th little brother!

Family Lego Land Trip

Last time we were at Legoland Mom saw a sign for a free ticket. She investigated and found out we got one free ticket per pass. We opted to use them with Grandma Jo, Grandpa Howie and Dad. The park was really empty and we got to enjoy all the rides we wanted. Daddy went on the Beetle Bounce with me a few times.


We were goofy and enjoyed taking some silly photos. E is such goof.


Grandma Jo had hurt her knee when she missed a step on the stepstool the other day so she got pushed around the entire park and also a assistance pass that got us in the handicap entrance on all the rides.


We wrapped up with a chilly ride on the Island in the Sky.


We had a great trip. What a fantastic way to end out Legoland passes. We don’t know if we will renew this year or pick something else.

Back to the Grind

We took off a few weeks during the holidays and now it is time to get back to work. I love my Latin program and always ask to do the Latin lessons first.


Spelling is becoming a strong point for me now too. Maybe it is because I read so much? If I go slow I am a great speller but if I rush, i am horrible!


After school, Archery and PE we had 4H club. We worked on buoyancy today. We made boats out of aluminum foil that had to support as many pennies as possible.
