We were driving through Orlando and I saw the sign for Bass Pro and asked if we could go visit. I love looking around at all the outdoor stuff. Today I tried out the laser hunting game and did very well. I am getting better at using the scope and finding my target. It has a little flash of red light so you can see where you miss and adjust your aim. I really can’t wait to start shooting sports in 4H, hopefully next year!
Year: 2015
Karate Update
This has been a tough year for me in karate. When I switched from the evening class back to the homeschool class it is a different type of karate. I need to basically start from scratch and learn all new katas, terms and more. Today was a belt testing but I was not eligible yet, as I need to learn one more kata. I will be testing for my green belt in a month or so.
We are learning many new skills in class. It has been a battle for me to teach my body to move the way the coach wants. I am learning quickly now. Mom said it is because I am finally working hard at HOME as well as in class.
Our little group certainly has grown!
Hovercrafts at 4H
Today I gave my second 4H demonstration of the year and then I led a club activity and showed everyone how to make hovercrafts out of household items.
The hovercraft works when air is released from the balloon through the pull up cap and under the CD. The air creates a little pocket of higher pressure air and causes the CD to float across the flat surface. I think everyone in the club enjoyed the project I did. I am thinking that this will be my project for Demonstration Day in April.
Field Trip to the Armed Forces Museum in Largo
Today we visited the Armed Forces Museum and had a docent tour through all the wars. We learned a lot about proper warfare and rules to war. I was upset seeing all the mines and knowing the damage that they did and still do to people.
The weapons have changed so much over time. We even saw a flamethrower that was used to kill people hiding in bunkers and trenches. Fortunatly, that was outlawed in warfare because it was “inhumaneâ€. Yet war itself isn’t considered inhumane. I found the saw tooth bayonet to be a bit too much. As if stabbing someone isn’t enough, you rotate it and pull it out ripping out whatever from their body with it. ICK!
They had models of what it would be like to actually be IN THE TRENCHES.
We learned about island hopping and when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
We lightened the mood with some observing the parking lot with the periscope. Then off to learn about Vietnam and Korea.
If was a lot to take in for a 9 year old. I learned a lot and have a better respect for people who fought in those battles. I am currently studying the Civil War in my history text and I enjoyed seeing some of the uniforms, weapons and items soldiers would have with them during the war.