Junior Entomologist

This coming year for 4H I have picked an entomology book. I am getting a head start on the book because it is a long one. I had to make a killing jar for collecting bugs. I found several bugs in the yard and added them to the jar.


Once they die, you relax them and then dry and mount them on styrofoam.



I also got to build a few different bug traps but haven’t caught anything just yet. I am eager to work more in my new book soon.


Young Eagles Flying

Today was Young Eagles Day at the Clearwater Airpark. Mom dragged me out of bed really early but I was glad because the lines were crazy this time and we were 1st in line. I got to fly with Bruce again. His nickname is Cowboy! I really feel comfy with him.


Not to mention, I love his plane!

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Up up and away! See you in 20-25minutes!


Another successful flight and even flew alone for about 2/3 of the flight again!


We went out to eat with Grandma and Grandpa for dinner as they were passing though town. We had fried bananas with chocolate sauce for dessert. I sucked the chocolate up with a straw! GO ME!


Sailing Fun

Today we went to FunSail at the Clearwater Sailing Center. It is a great deal for a day on the water learning and trying new things. We got there early and had to…wait! UGH!


We got our safety briefing and then we were off to the water. My friend, Zoe, joined us for the day and we went out on the pontoon boat a few times. We worked with the kayaks and the stand-up-paddleboards (SUP).


I am really getting old at balancing on the SUP.


Off I go in the intercostal. Not too far!

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We had a great day. I was so happy to see my friend, it has been a long time since she moved away. Normally I don’t enjoy the sailing stuff too much but having a friend to share it with made it fun!


Hip Hop Class


Mom signed us up for a few dance classes this summer. I gave her a major eye roll and said, “I am NOT GOING!” well, I went. And, I HAD FUN!

The teacher, LD, is awesome. We learned all sorts of funny dances. We start with one thing and then add on. Each week we learn a new routine. I am having fun so far. It is an all boys hip hop program, no girls allowed! Unfortunately, so far E and I are the only two in the class.

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Corn Palace in South Dakota

We are on the road chugging away towards Florida but had to make a quick stop at the Corn Palace. Every year the building (which happens to be the towns basketball arena) is transformed into a work of corn art. Murals are up year round but new ones are changed and added every year. It is quite a weird place to visit. Inside is a giant gift shop.


The onions go up on the top when it is all completed, which should be soon.



Hello and Goodbye to the Corn Palace. Our voyage towards home continues.