We traveled with our friends today out to Caladisi Island for some hiking and beach fun. They were awesome and their dad took his boat over to get us to the island.

Tooling along the inter coastal waters was fun.

We saw birds nesting on the channel markers.

Relaxing and chilling.

Ms. Jamie taking a turn at driving.

Off on our hike. I got a splinter within the first 5 minutes of the hike.

We played on the beach and in the water. We were all soaked and cold but played on.

Some sand angels make it all better.

We spent hours building an amazing world. We hiked up and down the beach looking for treasures to add to our creation.


More hiking through the charred island.

A look at Grandma and Grandpa’s house on the way home.

When we got back to the mainland we toasted marshmallows at the park with some of our friends.

We even saw Santa at 10pm!