The drive to NC was uneventful and quick. The roads were clean and traffic wasn’t terribly bad. The first morning we had frost not he windows of the car. No snow yet!

It is wicked cold for us Florida people so we bundled up and went for a hike at the Arboretum.

There was a Lego in the Garden display going on at the center. They had lots of Lego things kids and adults built on display.

There were about 30 larger lego sculptures out int he gardens and pathways.

I just loved the bison!

What does the fox say?

I was borderline obsessed with these weird icicles that were growing out of the ground. I picked up as many as I could and carried them until they melted in the warmth of my gloves.

E was posing for tons of pictures and I wanted in on that action.

Part of the group shot. Grandma Susie enjoyed coming along on this trip. It was nice to have her with us.

Zen posing on a stump. E was a turtle.

Then we swapped and i meditated while E pretended he was dead?

A peaceful hike. Bliss.