I had an awesome trip into the caves. Now I am OFF TO CAMP!
I got all checked into camp. Then I visited a few animals and met some of my counselors. This is Tim (?) walking around Dolly the Llama.
Will is another counselor of mine. He was showing off a snake.
They also had dogs, a hedgehog and a goat along the pathways.
Mom helped me unpack nd get settled into my bunk. I picked a bottom bunk. My bunkmate is names Sawyer and he is from Cuba, Missouri.
I couldn’t wait to get started making new friends. I gave Mommy a quick hug and a high-five and said see you in a week.
Mommy said I am such a big boy!
Here is a photo of my cabin. I am in a cabin called Kentucky! Cool!
See everyone after camp! Love you!