Bare Bones Science

There is a new science guy in town. Mr. McWiz of Bare Bones Science recently hosted a show at the library. I had a blast. He teaches about physical science.


We all got to wear safety googles… or goggles?


He even tricked us into cleaning up!!!


Emmerson liked the science too!


So captivated and happy.


Learning about air and air pressure.


I practiced this one at home for a while. Flipping a dime off the table. I will show you sometime!



I lied the dry ice. There was a problem with the bowls and they couldn’t make bubbles form but it was really cool either way.


At the end we all got to participate and do some of the experiments ourselves.


Emmerson really concentrated on placing water drops on top of a penny.


I kept water in a cup even when it was turned over!


Veggies Galore

I have some big veggies coming out of my garden this year again.


I had about 10 lbs of bush beans. They are super yummy.


The sugar snap peas didn’t do too well this year. I think it was just too hot for them. The cucumbers are overrun with worms. We will start breaking down the 4H garden in a few weeks. I can’t believe this growing season went so fast.


I am also volunteering at the Largo Open Air Market on Saturdays. I helped clean up veggies, bundle them for sale and then helped talk to people about the garden and club. We raised a lot of money the first weekend and I can’t wait to get back there in a few weeks.


It’s Threshers Time

I am really starting to enjoy baseball. I think I understand most of the rules and how the game is played. I also like sitting in the stand and eating peanuts and popcorn!


And when the game gets boring… I read a book! Mom and Dad made me move over behind the netting so I didn’t get bonked unsuspectedly.


We went two nights in a row. The second night we sat out on the berm. I played with friend (new and old) most of the game but was still probably the most attentive kid in the outfield area. I kept watching and cheering.


I kept negotiating for sugar treats as well. Mommy let me walk half was around the stadium with a $1 bill to get myself an ice cream! I felt like SUCH a big boy.
