Shark Toy

We went to a garage sale this weekend and I found this really cool shark dissection kit. I immediately wanted to set it up and get to work. It was super gorse but super fun. When I was finished I passed it on to a friend since there was enough material to do it again!


Read Hard, Sleep Hard

Mommy wants to torture me by showing this photo. Once I hit the bed and fall asleep I turn on the water. She has to change my sheets constantly because I drip so much!


This is my reading que. I am reading about 100-200 pages every 36 hours now. Once I get hooked on a book there is no putting it down. My reading level is soaring and I am tackling larger and larger books. I just finished all 8 books in the How to Train Your Dragon series. They are about 250 pages each. I finished them all in about 10 days total!!!


I saw this book while at the doctors office and I HAD to have it. Mommy ordered it for me and I have read it cover to cover several times.


One Hot Day

Today was crazy hot outside for March. Mommy got out the slip-and-slide, kiddie pool and sprinklers. I had a blast on the slip-and-slide and finally figured out how to run and dive to slide. I got a bit wound up and jumped on the cushion on the end and that was the end of the slip-and-slide. It burst in about 4 places and Mommy could not fix it.



We played in the sprinklers for a while and made soup in the kiddie pool. Mommy says good thing we don’t have a real pool or it would be a real pain to keep clean with Emmerson and me around.
