We were surprising Great Granny with a trip from Uncle Matt. Mommy took Emmerson and me to the Carnegie Science Museum. We enjoyed running around and seeing everything that they had to offer. I liked the aquariums. They even had baby seahorses that were only 1.5 weeks old.
There was an entire room of model trains.
I taught Emmerson all about circuits.
I built an earthquake resistant building.
I LOVED making giant bugs.
I got to see a Madagascar Hissing Cockroach.
Don’t tell Daddy, but I got to PET it too!
More bug making.
I found lots of buttons to push and things to play with… I was in my GLORY!
We shaw a show called “Flambe”. It was all about “solutions”. I wiggled my way in between a ton of teenagers and fired out answers faster than they could. Typical me! 🙂
Just before the huge flame.
Enjoying my “pear carmel flambe” ala mode. YUMMY!
Danger Will Robinson!
Trying to kick the computers tush at air hockey!
We toured the USS Requin. I so badly wanted to fire the torpedoes!
I was amazed that the shop could sleep 39 people. The captain had a HUGE room compared to the rest of the TINY little bunks.
I had a lot of fun on the ship.
I even found a triceratops!