I loved watching the fish be fed at the Living Seas. Emmerson followed me everywhere. I love my little copy cat brother but sometimes I just need my space.
Look it’s MR RAY! I learned how to do the “sting ray shuffle”!
I finally got some one-on-one Mommy time while in line for Soarin’. Grandma Susie had Emmerson. So Mommy and I were being really silly. I wouldn’t let her set me down.
As usual I LOVEd climbing on the playground. I was able to go really high on the climbing net today!
See, Look how HIGH i am !
Relaxing before getting wet!
I didn’t want Emmerson in the water and gave him a shove. Of course that got me in a bit of trouble. WOOPS!
Splish splash… trying to figure out where the best water was located.
HAHA you got all wet.
Dancing in the water. Look I have a shadow… go figure!
Ahhh i got water in my eye!
I even managed to find a bug and rescue it!
What a happy time in the water fountains! 🙂