Holiday Card Photo Shoot…

Yesterday we did a quick photo shoot for our holiday card pictures. Mommy likes to get a jump on things, especially with being out of town for a few weeks to go to California soon. Mommy got us dressed and we headed to the front yard. Daddy worked his magic with the camera and actually managed to get a BUNCH of great shots. You will have to wait for your holiday card to see the finalist! But here are some of the cute ones that didn’t make the cut! 🙂

Hugging the Emmer-Bemmer!


Yeah… we are cute, what can we say!


I got giggly and kept pulling Emmerson over.


Then I finally paid attention and Emmerson started to cry!


Okay, what’s up with THAT!


Getting frustrated and silly again. I felt the urge to throw grass at Emmer and he just gave me this nasty stare!


And finally, a REALLY cute one of ME! 🙂 I can’t believe tomorrow is HALLOWEEN! This year has flown by!


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